Tuesday, October 30, 2012

this funny thing called life...

so, last week was a rough yet great week. a week ago monday i wasnt feeling all that great. and it went on to tuesday. and i was just so extremely tired of missing school cause i never feel well. and you all know how much i just love school oh so much. so i decided that i was just done. gonna quit and everything. i found a full time job and knew i could also pick up more shifts from juds. well, my mom calls me most everyday and everytime we talk she asks me how school was. so i decided to finally tell her that i quit school, found a job, and was moving on in life. lets just say that the conversation i had with my parents over the phone didnt end well and that i am now back in school. uuuuuuggghhhhh. and today being there was so hard. but, im back in the game. i made a deal with my parents that if i go back to school and i am quitting my job because i couldnt do both anymore. so sadly, last night was my last night. but it feels soooo great to know that i can now just focus on school and my boards which are coming up. anyways, other than that, nothing new. ive still been a craftin. as usual. caleb's good, just workin his bummy off. other than that, nothin. excited for thanksgiving!! thats for sure. and to have a break from school. :)

my sock snowman

and wreath.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

lovin the holidays!

well, i have had a few extra hours on hand lately and have been up to craftin. my favooorite :) its been chilly and it gets me in the mood to craft. it snowed last night and today and now there is about 6 inches of snow on the ground. pretty but i am not all that much of a fan. i hate the ends of my pants wet and when i step in puddles of melted snow in my kitchen. (BIGGEST pet peeve ever) and slick roads. but, i am excited to snowboard and to make snowmen and decorate the house with my winter crafts. and that is about it.

so when i do my crafts im all about doing things for cheap. otherwise you will spend quite the $$ if your not careful. so my husband picked up these tiles for 10 cents a piece. and then i just use some creativity and go from there. basically, alot of my crafts consist of cardboard, paints, and ribbon.

new coaster. 

and i got to babysit this little guy (my cousins baby) for a bit the other night. i think hes only about 2 weeks old or so. sooo tiny. so precious. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pine tree place

Last sunday, me and caleb went out to my parents house to hear my cousin Jason's mission farewell. he did such a great job! he left the next day to Johannesburg(sp?) south africa. so proud of him. he was probably one of my closest cousins seeing that we lived 2 miles apart and hung out an awful lot, especially when we were younger. anyways, after the luncheon and such, me, caleb, and my sister drove up to the pine tree house because Caleb had never been up there. its the place my grandpa grew up and where there were lots of memories made up there weather it was camping, fishing, bobbing for apples, using the outhouse, feeding the humming birds, playing on our old tire swing, fourwheeling and sooo many more memories. such a pretty place up there.

other than that, nothing new. same old same old. me and shandell went and got our nails done together yesterday which was fun. i love spending time with her.

And we have spent some time with Talon. i seriously wish he was my own kid. love him to death!

that is that!

I love my marriage. i love my husband. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life is sweet

Life is sweet. these three pictures are what makes me realize how truely lucky and blessed i am. Someone to hold my hand, laugh with and be by my side for forever.