Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Memorial Day weekend

Memorial Day weekend we were originally going to go camping with all my family but it had been raining with thunderstorms tons and wasn't really easing up. Either way, both me and Caleb had the whole weekend off together which that alone made the whole weekend. 

Friday, me and Caleb hung out pretty much all day. I think I mentioned in my last post how I had gotten my hair done and didn't really like it. So that evening, I went and had to get a color correction and I was HOPING to get back to blonde. Long story short and a mess of color later, I ended up a copper brown color with lighter highlights with orange spots. It was kind of a mess. I had to give my hair a break before I did anything else. But it kind of sucks now cause I am done working so I was on my own with my hair. Ugh. So other than a hair mess that day, it was good.
Libbie also loved the fact that Caleb had the weekend off. So cute.

Saturday, me and Caleb slept in. When I woke up and was walking around our bed, I stepped in water on the carpet. I instantly thought it was Libbie but she hasn't peed in the house in years so I thought it was weird. I thought maybe that with all the rain that it's flooding our bedroom again? I didn't know. I told Caleb about it and he knew exactly what it was from. Long story short, He had to turn the water off then back on so that his brother could fix his grandma's sink upstairs or something. But since it's an old home and those pipes had never really been tinkered with, turning the water off then on made the water start leaking consistently. So it had been leaking for a few days and we just noticed that it was leaking under the carpet and was spreading fast. His family was all around that day so his brother temporarily fixed the problem till new pipes get put in. But until then, water is continuously leaking into our closet and is basically flooding our bedroom. So now we have all our shoes (over 60 pairs might I add) from our closet in laundry baskets in our hallway, along with all our dirty clothes. some stuff is moved into our living room. And right now we just a have a fan going to try and dry that carpet. It's been a mess. Every day we have to use our carpet cleaner vacuum to suck up gallons and gallons of water. The water is spreading and getting bigger and our WHOLE apartment smells awful from wet musty carpet that is not going to go away any time soon. 

We so far have dumped over 10 of these buckets full of water. And we have to do it daily until the new pipes come. Me and Caleb have decided that we have pretty much DESTROYED his grandma's carpet. Even though none of these floods have been our fault, but it's still just frustrating and it's sad that we now know exactly what we are doing when it comes to cleaning up water from the apartment. This makes flood number 4 in the 4 years we have lived here. Plus some other small water issues. It's a bit frustrating having to deal with it and have my home kind of all out of whack with things everywhere, but there's nothing we can do about it. Until then, I will hold my breath and pray no one comes by to judge the smell of our place. It's that bad. We open what windows we can but when It's raining, those get shut since there are no window wells and the rain just get in through the windows.

Sunday me and Caleb had a lazy day spent at home. We watched Netflix, ate food, and seriously hung out all day. It was great.

Monday me and Caleb headed out to my parents house. Caleb, my brothers, dad, sister, and brother in law loaded their dirt bikes and four-wheelers and went on a day ride up in the mountains somewhere. 

While they were out riding, us girls stayed back with the babies and went grocery shopping for our weenie roast that night. I occupied my nephew by taking him outside and blew bubbles, drew with sidewalk chalk, and swung in the swing. Once everyone got back, they said they had a great time. Caleb and my brother in law both rolled their four-wheelers on the same rut or something. Makes me a little nervous! Caleb only got a scrape on his hand and was otherwise fine. My brother in law was fine too. That evening, I wanted Caleb to take me on a little four-wheeler ride where I couldn't go earlier. 
We rode up on the hill and it was BEAUTIFUL looking out. Everything was SO green and it was getting cloudy and you could see a storm a brewing. I LOVE this place and I miss so badly living out in the country. Even though we are only 15 min away, this is what I miss and I would GLADLY love to move out here somewhere. It would be so much fun to hop onto the four-wheeler just like I used to, except this time with Caleb and just go up for a little ride here and there. So fun. And we live in a perfect area to do so. Once we got back to the house the fire was going and dinner was starting,
We had a weenie roast for dinner. My favorite! I love sitting by a fire talking with everyone, eating good food and enjoying the weather outside. It started sprinkling during our dinner but we sat through it anyways. I ended the night by giving dad a haircut and then we headed back home to vacuum up more water. 

Tuesday, I had a doctors appointment for baby. I told Caleb he didn't have to go since it was just a quick appointment and that this was his last day off. I let him sleep instead. I headed to the doctors. I paid our big monthly baby bill, peed in a cup, got weighed and my blood pressure taken, then was taken to my room where I waited a stinkin HOUR in the room by myself waiting for the doctor to come in. Besides being annoyed and about ready to put in a complaint, they heard the baby's heartbeat which was beating at a healthy 149 bpm. We talked and he answered the questions I had. I love the office and I really like my doctor, but they are so busy that you wait forever when you're there. A bit frustrating. After the doctors, I HAD to go to the hair store to pick up some color for me to fix my hair. I was done looking like a calico cat. And even if I wanted to go back blonde some time, it was seriously best to start over. I picked up my color and then headed home. I ate lunch, and then later that day me and Caleb went to get our car serviced and then headed to the bank to talk to them and see what we qualified for for buying a house. First real step in house buying. It went well! So we are now officially OFFICIALLY house hunting. And after dealing with this old apartment and all the flood problems and other problems, I am MORE than ready to get out of here and be in my own place. 

Wednesday, Caleb had to head back to work. BOOOO. Thumbs down. And I woke up this morning feeling TERRIBLE. No grocery shopping for me. That will have to wait yet another day. I have chilled at home and have done laundry and also finally colored my hair. It's dark, but it's all even and I am done messing with it for a while. Plus, it was SO easy to do and I was able to do it myself. 
no makeup--tinted hair and brows--lookin good!

Finished result. I don't mind it. It's such a change from blonde and I do miss my blonde. But, change is good I suppose and I hope this grows on me cause this is what we get for a while at least. 

As for other news, I hit 13 weeks today. One more week and I am officially out of the first trimester! Baby is the size of a kiwi or tangerine. About that size. It's fingerprints have formed too. So crazy cool. I am unfortunately still not feeling good. Some days it's definitely worse than others, but I can still count on nights being miserable. I like to be asleep by 9, 9:30, no later than 10. I notice it's worse when I'm tired and I think that's why nights are awful. Even going to bed that early I usually wake up at 9 ish. I must just be tired. I get like 10 to 12 hours of sleep a night and if I don't get that, then I just feel way more sick. I still have moment's where I run to the bathroom to lean my head into the toilet. Foods are so so. Sometimes something sounds ok and I will do anything to get what sounds ok because otherwise, it's hard to get anything else down. Lately, I have wanted hot dogs. Super weird but it's been annoying cause the store has been out the last 3 times I have gone. Mom ended up giving me a pack when we had our weenie roast the other night and I have been roasting hot dogs since.
And yes, in case you didn't know, you can totally roast hot dogs over your stove. Haha. Besides that, I have been starting to feel some intense lower back pain, hip pain has started to come slightly, I get sciatic nerve pain sometimes, and I sometimes get a strong shooting pain in my stomach which is I think round ligament pain. Let it begin. None of that is gonna leave any time soon. My belly is growing! It's no longer a bloat belly and is definitely a baby bump.
This was taken I believe on Friday, so 5 days ago. You get the idea that there is definitely a bump that did not used to be there. It's kinda weird getting used to it!

Next thing I am looking forward to is our next doctors appointment because at that appointment we find out what we are having! June 29th can't come soon enough! I think we have a couple names that we like. Still working on middle names, and still open to other names, but, I think we are set for both a boy name and girl name. We will see in this next month if I start to feel the baby move. I'm not sure exactly when people start feeling their babies move and I think it depends on the pregnancy, but i'm looking forward to it. It will make things seem a bit more real I think rather than just feeling sick. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

12 Weeks

Well, last week where I posted that I was doing ok was just a joke I guess. I woke up the next morning throwing up. So, I don't know. I don't think this "morning sickness /all day sickness" is going to go away any time soon. It's been a rough week. On top of everything I came down with a cold. At first I thought it was maybe strep because I had an AWFUL sore throat. I went to community care to see and the strep test was negative. Kind of made me feel dumb. But, glad it's just a cold I suppose. I go to bed no later than 10 and if I could really choose when I go to sleep it would be like 7 or 8 at night. I'm exhausted and nights I usually feel my worst for some reason. So the sooner I get to sleep through the symptoms the better for me. Foods are still just cruel to me. I gag at the sight, thought, smell, and taste of any and all foods. I used to be one that could put food down no problem. Little confession, I used to easily eat a foot long sandwich with chips and a drink or a medium meal at Arby's with mozzerella sticks and I now can barely eat a 6 inch sandwich and I can only ever eat half of a small meal at Arby's. I'm frustrated with how much food I waste. I'm annoyed at why I have to eat so often and go through frustration every 2 hours. It all sounds silly and I'm sure most people would be happy that they are hungry and want to eat food pretty much all day but for me it's a hassle, a chore, and a very frustrating thing that puts me to tears some times. I promise I'm still very grateful but this is truly exhausting and very wearing. I have come to conclusion that families are just hard! Whether that's getting pregnant, staying pregnant, being pregnant, birthing the child, and then raising that child. It's all just hard. It just shows how much sacrifice people are willing to go through to have a family. It's mind blowing to me. Anyway, that's pretty much it for my pregnancy update.

As for other news, I ended up quitting my job. I was hoping to work till pretty much soon before I have this baby, but being sick is making work miserable. It's just not worth it right now. So I only work till the end of this month. I honestly feel very very relieved. It's also hard for me to do as well since I have always worked and never just relied on someone else's money without pitching in. So, it's definitely an adjustment for me but I do what I can and I think not working right now is the right choice for us.

Caleb is still working away and doing great.

Libbie finally got groomed and probably feels a million times better.

And lastly, I colored my hair at work today. And I don't really love it. :( I had put a lot of thought into it and reasons I colored it were because my hair is thin and fine and bleaching it was a bit harsh on my hair, also where I am quitting work, I wanted just a color that I could easily upkeep myself by doing it at home and a million foils wasn't really ideal. I decided to go with red and its not that I hate it, but I definitely don't think it's me and I will probably bleach it all back out here in a week or two if it doesn't grow on me more by then. I can do foils myself it's just going to be kind of annoying to do it. But, i'd rather be annoyed and like my hair than not. Guh. Girl problems.

I am looking forward to this weekend. Both me and Caleb took the whole weekend off for memorial day and was originally going to go camping up at the pine tree house. Since it's been so rainy i don't know if that's what we'll do. If not, I am just grateful to have a low key weekend with Caleb. It's muchly muchly needed. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mothers Day weekend. LONG update

First thing's first, and also super random, but, Wednesday's are mine and Caleb's day to do laundry. I did three loads of laundry and after when I was folding them, I realized that ALL the clothes smelled like rotten eggs. AWFUL. Caleb used a "clean" towel after his shower the next day and about died when he smelled it. We were baffled and had no clue why the laundry smelled so bad. We share the washer and dryer with Caleb's grandma so that's why we have a certain day to do ours, but this was not going to work. It was such a busy week and neither of us had a day where we could sit at home and do laundry. Long story short, I went out and bought new laundry soap/dryer sheets and re washed a load of laundry just to find that they still smelled TERRIBLE. Late Saturday night Caleb did a couple of bleach washes in the washer then re washed all of our clothes once again. Come to find out, I had bought a new pair of black maternity pants and we figured out that it was them that made the laundry and everywhere the laundry sat, (so our whole house) smell like rotten eggs. I was SO annoyed. It's the only pair of pants that fit me, and why in the world would a brand new pair of pants smell SO awful after being washed!? They are currently being washed by themselves for the 5th time to see if the smell wont go away, if not, I'm tossing them. How bizarre right?!
I'm tired of doing laundry. haha

Friday night, me and Caleb got invited to go to dinner with Caleb's work partner and some of their family. We ended up trying out the new Fuji's in Idaho Falls. I'm not really into that type of food, but they cook your food for you in front of you on a grill and do a little show for you. It is a fancy upscale restaurant. Expensive too! ha But it ended up being a lot of fun!

Saturday the day before mothers day, I was able to get off work early so I could attend my sister in laws baby shower. It was at my parents house and it actually ended up being a lot of fun. Simple, but fun. My mom had made french dip sandwiches, had fruits with fruit dip (my favorite part) vegetable tray, chips, lemonade, and a few treats. We ate and had my SIL open her gifts. She got some really cute things that hopefully she can use!

Mother's day was a busy day. We started by going to my brothers house and they did their daughter's baby blessing there at their house since she is only a week and a few days old. They did it then because my SIL parents were up from Kentucky. We had a brunch afterwards and just hung out at the house. I actually liked that they did it there. It was nice. 

After the blessing we had to rush out because it was one of Caleb's best friends mission farewells. He went with my brother and then ended up at the, what I heard, delicious luncheon. After that, that evening me and Caleb had a party to go to. Our friends, Caleb's business partner if you will, were having a gender reveal party. So we went to Big Juds, met up with my brother and sister and all the employees at Juds, and all of our friends' family. We ate pizza, chatted with our friends, and had them bite into their cupcakes to find that they are having a boy! So happy for them :) That means everyone at both my work and Caleb's work are having boys. haha no pressure for us! 

Mother's day was simple this year. It went a lot better than last year too. I remember last year how I was just an emotional wreck. I was in my selfish pitty party mood and didn't want to celebrate or do anything. It's weird how this year I felt peace and very grateful to be where I am today. I was able to focus on all women who are mothers and also those who are not. I have friends going through infertility, those who have lost their mother, and those that have lost a child, and I thought of them throughout the whole day. I feel like all women are mothers in some way. Whether that's to their dog, nieces, and nephews, neighbors, spouses even. Women are nurturing people and I wish all of us would open our eyes a little more to those around that aren't mothers to a child and realize this. Happy mother's day to myself, my mom, my sister and SIL's. 

Monday was an emotional day for me. I guess you could blame the pregnancy hormones, but let's be real, my husband was leaving out of town and I did not like that idea. Normally, Monday's are both our day's off. I look forward to this day EVERY week. It's the day I get to sleep in with Caleb and then spend the whole day with him whether we go out or simply stay home and relax. I NEVER schedule anything on this day because Monday's are our day to have for each other. This Monday in particular was out of the norm. Caleb had to work after an already super busy weekend. He had to hurry home from work to pack up and leave for a few days. I have mentioned in previous posts that I am fully aware that I am a wimp/baby when Caleb leaves. I hate it. I am not one of those wives that needs my space from my hubby, or am happy to have a girly few days to myself. I hate, hate, hate that. So all day I was just weepy and missed him already and he hadn't even left out of town yet. I told him I was going to stay at my parents while he was gone just for the company. I am fully capable of staying at my house but I like my family, and it's not so lonely. So after he got home, packed, and left, I headed to my parent's house.
(I stuck a little note in his sweats so he would get it that night)

I had to work Tuesday early early so I was up early. It was kind of nice though, my mom had made me breakfast and packed my lunch. :) Thanks mom! haha I told her to not worry about it, but of course she insisted. Another perk of staying with the parents. Tuesday night I found out that Caleb and the guy he went down with were coming back late that night instead of the next day. I was SO happy. He got home and I greeted him with a big hug and kiss. Ah. my life can continue. We got both good news and not the best news from this trip. Bad news: I can't really say. Let's just say a few things changed and our future got twisted a little bit. Good news: Caleb got another raise. Hooray! We stayed up chatting till WAYYY past this girls bedtime, but it was worth it cause I was with my hubby.

Wednesday-today- Caleb and me both had off work. I don't really remember the last time we both had a day off where we had no appointments, meetings, work, nothing to do. We slept in, lounged around, got some lunch. It's been great!

Also, today is the day I am officially 11 weeks! I am JUST about out of the first trimester and that alone makes me feel a lot better. How am I feeling?? I'm ok. ha I still don't feel great. I have a few bad days, then an ok day, then a horrible night, then an ok night. It's super random. I never know what to expect. Foods are starting to taste better!! Sometimes it's awful, but for the most part, I can get food down now. I still cannot eat a lot at once, so I still find myself snacking A LOT. The last few days I have had HORRIBLE hiccup/burp things? I don't really know what they are but they mostly happen after I eat. They are kinda painful. I am still quite sleepy and still get so tuckered out at the smallest task. I take breaks often throughout the day. There were a few days where I felt sharp lightening streaking pain through the sides of my stomach. Kinda felt like a gas pain but stronger. I asked my sister and she said she's certain it's round ligament pain. I just didn't think I could feel it this early. But I'm sure that's what it is. It comes and goes. It's strong when I sneeze or cough and sometimes if I get up from sitting too fast or something. Super weird. Also, this week especially, I am starting to notice a heavy feeling in my stomach and my low stomach is feeling more firm. I can't feel a hard ball where my uterus is at yet, but my stomach is definitely more firm and popping out more. It's weird because sometimes I can totally tell that it's a prego belly, then other times it just looks like pudge. I'm for sure in that awkward pudgy belly stage. I still don't really have any cravings. Nothing more than I had when I wasn't pregnant. haha If anything, sno cones are always on my list of things that sounds good. I go there pretty much every time after I work. All in all, things are going good! Me and Caleb still have no name picked. I know it's way early but he is mighty picky I have found he doesn't like anything. So it may take a while. We are now talking about starting to buy some baby furniture. Maybe one big item a month so that we don't have a HUGE list at the end. I'm a planner/organizer. I hate putting things off last minute. So i'm ready to start buying stuff. :)

Also, BIG NEWS! Me and Caleb are officially HOUSE HUNTING!! What?! I know. But, we are going to HAVE to be out of where we are now when a baby comes and even before we got pregnant, we were planning on buying a house around this time this year. So, it is a huge deal. A huge commitment, but I am BEYOND excited to get out of this basement, have my own space, my own yard for Libbie to play, a garage, a closet, windows to see out, and hopefully a bug free home. It's probably going to be quite a process but I hope and pray we can find something suitable to what we are looking for. We are excited!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

New niece/10 weeks

On April 30th, my brother and his wife welcomed their second baby into this world. I precious little girl named Emma Bailey. She is quite possibly the sweetest thing I ever did see. Seeing her makes me have the serious sinking in feeling that I am going to have one of those and it scares me to death, yet makes me beyond excited. Congrats to my brother and his little family! 

I am 10 weeks today. Woohoo! For the last week, I feel like the sickness is SLOWLY but surely starting to east up. I still don't feel great all day, and I can count on nights still being a bit rough. But for the most part, I can get through it easier than I had been. I have noticed that I am very very slowly starting to be able to eat more and have it not be AS bad as it had been. I still want nothing to do with food and it's still a daily struggle, but it is getting a little better. My belly is starting to grow. I notice even when I'm not completely bloated or mornings where I have emptied the bladder and I have yet to eat, that there is a pooch starting to grow. And then I feel like once I eat, it just pops out all day. Family has noticed and started to comment that they can see a prego bump starting to poke out some. Sweat pants have been a favorite. Nothing tight on my belly. I absolutely HATE being uncomfortable so I did find some maternity pants from ross. $16 bucks and I can wear them to work. It's a win win. I think I will want to wear those even when I'm not pregnant. No one would ever have to know. haha Other than than, squirt buddy is the size of a kumquat (whatever that is) and about 1 and  a 1/4 inch long. I feel like weeks are starting to go by faster and faster as time goes on. We have started to look at baby furniture and just getting ideas on what we are going to need and want. Anyways, overall, the pregnancy is going pretty good. I really can't complain. I'm still very excited and starting to get the nervous feeling that this is really happening and that there is no going back. :)

As for other news, me and my sister went shopping on Friday, and then on Saturday I went shopping with my mom. I don't even remember the last time it was just me and my mom together for a day out so it was a great time! We hit up a ton of stores and then ended the day with Sam's club. I am grateful for the relationship that my family has with each other. It's truly a blessing. 

Caleb and me are doing seriously great. I love our marriage and am so grateful that it's a good one. I can't get enough of that boy!

Life is good. My marriage rocks, our jobs are going good, we're having a baby, things are looking up for us and we have a great future to look forward too. I am so blessed!