Wednesday, June 17, 2015

16 Weeks!

I am 16 weeks today! It's going by way fast to be honest. This last week has overall been good! I am starting to feel much more human. I haven't thrown up in a week so I'd say that is good! I still have to be careful and not overdo it or else I will start feeling run down. But, I'm at least not laying in bed day after day just feeling yucky. So, I am grateful! Baby is about 4.5 inches long and about as big as an avocado. Yesterday I was starting to get nervous  because I hadn't felt much flutters for the past couple days. But as I was at my parents house just laying on the couch I got my first strongish kick or something from baby. It was reassuring and super exciting. I haven't felt anymore strong kicks since but still just soft little flutters. I know it's still early but I am looking forward to some more distinct kicks and jabs. I was at my sisters house and weighed myself and I apparently lost another pound. Which is weird because this belly is getting bigger and bigger. So since January I've lost 9 pounds and since being pregnant I've lost about 5. I guess you could just blame being sick? Idk. Hopefully it's fine and baby is still able to be healthy. Other than that, here's a belly bump picture.
Just a little nervous with how big this belly is gonna get where it's this big at 16 weeks :/ Kinda hard to not compare to other prego's that's had smaller bumps unless their on their like 5th kid. 

Caleb has been working hard. He comes home from work to usually do more work of some kind. I feel bad that I'm not much help.:/

While he mows the lawn me and Libbie usually end up on the swing and enjoy the weather. It's weird looking down and seeing a more round plump belly. Ha

I started packing up some of our stuff the other day so our living room is a total mess. It's full of boxes, boxed up boxes, and is just a huge mess. No way to even make it look good. Part of the whole moving process I suppose. It's going to be a huge project.

And lastly,
Awkward, ugly selfie, but, my hair guys. UGH!!!! Why did I even attempt to go dark the last day of working!? I have had some hair drama for the last month and seriously not loving my hair at all. I put some blonde in the front to see if that would spunk it up a little more to my liking. I've colored it 4 times in the last month and I am to the point where I am seconds away of starting over with a pixie cut and PRAYING I can cut it myself. I cut my sisters hair the other day and it's so freaking cute and it makes me want to chop mine into a cute cut again. Plus I'd be able to go back to blonde because I would already be cutting off the friedness on the ends. I don't know. What do you think? Should I chop it? Keep it growing? It's so hot that I wear it up most days, plus I keep trying to curl it to see if I'll like it and I just don't! I like long hair curled but for some reason I just don't like it on me. So, any suggestions I would seriously love. Caleb just says, "do what you want, but I like it short" and really isn't much help. So, ladies, help! 

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