Wednesday, September 23, 2015

30 weeks and de junking

I am 30 weeks pregnant today! It feels like another milestone hit. I am happy we have made it this far and realistically, this baby could come in 7 to 10 ish weeks! Eeek!
A little recap on the last week. So, I would say as far as how i'm feeling, this last week has for sure been one of the harder weeks of being pregnant. I don't know how to describe it other than I feel very pregnant! Large, uncomfortable, achy, and kind of miserable at times. I feel my best if I literally do NOTHING all day and can just sit. Even doing my few household chores for the day seriously makes me feel completely done for the day. It's been a little frustrating because I just feel like a crippled old lady and have to really balance out my errands, chores that need done, meals made, stuff like that for the week. A little every day and that's about all I can do. I constantly have a heat pad or our massage thing on my back, and my feet propped up. I have had SO many braxton hicks contractions. They are definitely uncomfortable and get worse or happen more often If I haven't eaten in a while, or haven't drank as much water as I should be drinking. I'm so sleepy all hours of the day. I have dealt with horrible heartburn most of my pregnancy but this last week it's been horrendous to where I WISH I would just throw up already. It's been just awful! I have tried anything and everything so I'm thinking at my next appointment I'll have him give me a prescription for it because it's been just horrible. My belly has just been rolling and moving like crazy lately. It's so fun to watch! She for sure is getting bigger and being able to feel her and now see her move all the time has for sure been a favorite while being pregnant. I forgot to mention a a few weeks ago that I was out at my parent's one night and my mom, and two sisters were all gathered close with their hands on my belly and all 3 of them felt baby kicks. It was a special moment that I won't forget. :)
Seriously! Watch her come out as a baldy. haha

After tons of ups and downs for months and months, as of right now, it's looking like we will have to stay here in this apartment for when this baby gets here. That could change any time, but as of now, that's the plan. I'm not gonna lie, i'm very bummed. It's not at all what we had planned. This place is small. It's SO squishy as is with just me and Caleb here. So, making room for even the essentials is going to probably make it so we don't get to set up a Christmas tree this year :(, all of her things will be in the living room/kitchen, and a TON of our stuff including seasonal clothes will have to go into storage to make this work. I know there could be worse things but we were really hoping to be out and in a place of our own before she came and I was SO looking forward to snuggling a baby around the Christmas tree this year. Since there really isn't much we can do about it, we'll make the best out of what we have and just make it work. It will be hectic, it will be very unorganized, it will probably continue to stress me and my ocd organized self out till we move, but, it's at least a place to live for now. So this last week we started the whole de clutter/ cleaning/ moving things around to make this work. Caleb had Saturday off so that day we went through our bedroom. We both had to get rid of TONS of clothes and shoes so that it would all fit in our little closet. That took up hours that day and that's all we did that day. On Sunday, we ended up cleaning out our spare bedroom. This room is a mess. It's basically our storage room that holds ALL our stuff plus all of Caleb's grandma's furniture since this apartment was furnished when we moved in. It took up many hours that day. We got rid of SO much stuff that had been just collected over the past 5+ years, threw tons of stuff away, and deep cleaned what we could until we get the stuff moved to a storage unit. Although it felt VERY refreshing to de junk, throw away, and clean up the place, I could totally tell that I WAY over did it. I had a friends baby shower that I was supposed to attend that night and I seriously didn't know if I was going to make it. I have been having plenty of braxton hicks contractions lately but on Sunday, I was seriously having them back to back which was making me nervous. My feet felt raw, my stomach just hurt and was tight tight tight all day long, and my back and hips were done. I had NO time to sit or lie down because I had to get ready for the baby shower that night. I felt awful all day and that was seriously the first day that my pregnant self reeeallyy told me I over did it. I ended up going to the baby shower which ended up being a lot of fun, and it was nice that I could finally sit for a couple hours for the day. It got me excited for my shower coming up and also just brings more reality of the fact that we will be having a baby! I started feeling better that night but I zonked when I got home. I am not really sure how I will be much help when we are moving stuff around because my body just tells me enough is enough and I just can't do it. I don't want to risk anything by overdoing it either so thank goodness for a husband that has already told me time and time again that he will do all of it. 
Don't judge, but, that's my living room. All those bags, tv, shelf, stereo, pretty much everything but the baby stuff, treadmill, and couches (that aren't even ours) we took to the di. It's pretty much what my house feels like lately. Stuff is just squished and there's just no where to put things. It's been overwhelming but that's what we have been up too! Now that we have de junked our place, we are hoping that this weekend we can get things moved around/ taken to a storage unit so that we can start setting up some stuff for this baby. I'm hoping I can organize and squish things around enough to leave a place we can set up our Christmas tree for this year. That's really all I want. Even if it's in our bedroom in the middle of the floor. I want that to go up. So, that's my goal. We shall see if all my teen years of playing tetris will pay off ;) 

Another thing from this last week was that me and my sister did each other's hair. Long story short, mine ended up not blended and the color was just off and I didn't have the right color at home to tone it and make it work. So I had to re plan and go with a different route so it would look better. I ended up fixing my hair over the course of a couple days. It's a bit better now but I'm to the point of just letting my ugly natural hair grow out so I don't have to deal with it anymore. That's I suppose why I don't just let it grow. I'm not a fan of my natural and I for sure like my highlights in there. I have a hard time going to pay to get it done where I'm a hairstylist myself and know what to do yet I just can't see the back of my head and can't angle everything so I'm just in the process of making it work for now.

My nephew's birthday is tomorrow but we ended up celebrating it last Saturday at my parent's house. We had a weenie roast and just kept it simple. It ended up being a fun night! I can't believe it's been a year since he was born! Seems like it was just yesterday!

Caleb has worked a bunch extra this week so he is never home. It's getting depressing! I miss him every second he is gone. I could never be a truck drivers wife, or have my husband be in the army because I emotionally could not handle it! I don't know how people do it. Libbie has been my little buddy while he's at work. Thank goodness for her. 

Overall life is still good! A bit stressful at the moment or more so just a lot of emotions and things going on, but, we're just taking it one day at a time and still just trying to stay positive about this whole apartment thing. I am LOVING the fall weather coming. I am a sucker for fall. On the cooler days I have been breaking out my long sleeved shirts and jackets and just LOVE it! 

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