Thursday, November 19, 2015

Last pregnancy update/ Early thanksgiving/ New puppies

Hello 38 weeks pregnant yesterday!
Crazy how the end is here! It feels like I have been pregnant forever, yet, we are moments/days away. I had my last doctors appointment yesterday. It went great! Everything looks right on track. My doctor checked me again and he said I am a 2 allllllmost a 3. So going almost 2 cm in a week I feel is good! That would explain all this pressure I have been having this last week. Not comfortable at all! We also set an induction date! Eek! Next Wednesday the 25th people! The day before Thanksgiving I will be in the hospital having this baby, that is if she decides to hold out till then. I'm still hoping she wants to come on her own and I've had some labor signs but we all know that those can last for weeks and that really, babies come when they want too. We will see what happens! I cannot wait. After leaving the doctors office I kept getting slightly emotional just thinking about everything. This was it. This was for sure the last week with just me and Caleb. I had feelings of all the emotions. I was sad that it wasn't going to just be me and Caleb anymore. I mean, it has been just us for the last 6 years, so throwing a baby in the mix just leaves me, I don't know, kind of sad, scared, and excited. I am so excited to start our family. I'm excited to meet her, yet nervous as heck knowing I have to get this baby out somehow. ha Just a ton of different thoughts. I think I'm probably the most scared of what this baby is going to do to me and Caleb. We both feel we have a good, solid, strong, happy, amazing marriage, and it seems like all I hear from different people is how a baby puts so much stress on your marriage. Me and Caleb had a good talk the other day how even though this baby may change our world, me and him are first. Sounds selfish, but it has to be that way. He's my first priority, and I'm his. Because in the end, when all our babies are grown and out of the home, its back to just me and Caleb again and I want nothing more than us to just continue to be so madly in love, head over heels for each other. I have no clue how it will be. I'm hoping it will only make things that are already so great, just that much better. So for this last week, maybe just days, I don't know, I just REALLY want to cherish my last times with just me and Caleb just the two of us. I want to enjoy the times I do sleep, the quiet alone time we have, the talks, the going out and about, just everything. The big, the small, and everything in between. We are so excited to meet this baby girl. I can't wait to see what she looks like. I'm nervous as heck for the delivery, yet so excited to just have it be me and Caleb. I have a feeling that there will be moments and feelings that will be irreplaceable. It's been so fun seeing Caleb get excited in his own ways for this baby. We can't wait!

Backtracking a little. So when my grandma passed away we dispersed basically everything they owned. Well, my family was able to get her rocking chair/recliner. It was a perfect chair and no one was using it. So, it was going to be mine and Caleb's which was perfect for this baby. Long story short, It had sat out in my dad's shop all summer long because it had no where to go at the time. When we moved in here to my parents, we finally brought it in. I cleaned it, vacuumed it, and shampoo'd it, yet it had this weird smell to it. A smell like it had been sitting in my dad's shop, like a gas, or lacquer or something. I thought it would maybe air out over time but it has failed to do so. So, me and Caleb decided we are running out of time and wanted to just get our own rocking chair of some kind. We decided to get something nice since we want it to last, also, I want something realistic for those sleepless nights that I know I will spend plenty of time in. Me and Caleb had a little shopping date and ended up finding a nice recliner from Sam's club. He told me while shopping that we are gonna walk this baby out, so while shopping we walked basically every isle. haha SO much walking. Still no baby. But, now we do have a nice recliner. We're excited! It's our first real piece of furniture we've ever bought. Caleb I think likes it more than me because he won't get out of it for anything haha.
Just breakin it in.

His set up while I was going to sleep last night. What more can I guy want? He's got MY blanket, a super cozy recliner, a show, and his pup. So cute :) I think we will LOVE having this. Especially for night time feedings, snuggling, or just hangin out. 

Last Saturday we had an early Thanksgiving on the Niederer side. Me and Caleb were a little worried it may be kinda awkward just from the whole moving incident but it ended up being just fine and like nothing had happened. There was good food, and most all the family was there. It ended up being a good day!

My sister has bred her two corgi dogs and last week we finally got some puppies. It's kind of a sad story because of all that happened. So, when the mama gives birth, you're supposed to have the male dog separated from the mom so she can give birth. Apparently it's because the male dog will kill the puppies. Kinda weird. So, my dad had made a nice way in their huge dog house to keep them separated. Well, since it's my sister's dogs, and her thing, she went to hang out one night and didn't separate the dogs because she was only going to be gone for a couple hours. The family was here, no one was worried about it. She got home to find that the mama indeed did have her puppies while she was gone and that the male dog was moving the puppies away from their mama. It was dang cold that night and it ended up being that 5 of the 8 that were born ended up dying. Super sad. :( Well, last night, one of the other puppies had gotten sick and also ended up dying. So as of now there are 2 left. It's a super sad deal and my sister is totally sad about it all. All because of one night. I have become quite the pet lover and it's hard to not get attached or sad about it too! My families luck with animals is seriously unheard of. Anyway, hopefully the two that are left will grow and continue to be healthy and strong so that they can sell like the original plan. 

Anyways. That's all for this last week! We are excited for this next week and to see what happens! Baby? No baby? Just patiently waiting!

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