Sunday, November 1, 2015

Unexpected move = hectic week

FYI, this is a LONG long post, and if family reads this, just know we are not angry and that we are content with our decisions. No hard feelings. Oh man I don't even know where to begin. I guess we'll start way back. So, me and Caleb have been living in his grandma's basement apartment for the past 4.5 years. It was a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment. Because it was his grandma's place, it was already completely furnished before we moved in. It had already had 3 beds set up, couches, kitchen table, tv, everything. So when we moved in, we already had all our own furniture as well. To make it work, we squished all of her furniture into one of the bedrooms along with a bunch of our stuff and storage and everything else. So, needless to say, the place was very crammed from the get go. The place worked well for us and helped us save TONS of money as she let us live there for free. Well, when we found out we were expecting, we were pretty close to buying a house, but for one reason or another, things kept falling through. As time went on I was feeling very stressed as to how we would make room for a baby in this apartment. And yes, I was even thinking logically and trying to figure out how to get by with just the basic needs until we moved to a house. Well, long story short, we ended up talking to his grandma about putting her stuff, mainly her beds and maybe a couch and anything else we needed too into storage so we could make room for a baby. We knew buying a house now where it's so close to this baby coming wasn't ideal so we were now to a point of just holding out on house hunting till after Christmas. That way we could put all our focus on this baby and holidays. Buying a house is such a HUGE thing so we didn't want to take it lightly and just jump on the first thing. His grandma said that would be fine and that she didn't mind us staying there for just a few more months. That was a huge stress reliever because we now knew we had a place to at least get us by till we got into a home. It was still overwhelming because it was still going to be very squishy, but we had it all planned out so that it would work. So over the course of a few weeks, I had cleaned out my dad's storage unit to make room for the stuff that was going to go in. Me and Caleb took several days of DEEP cleaning/ dejunking out both rooms of the apartment to get things moved out to the storage unit, made a huge D.I. trip with a car load, filled up several garbages, ya know, huge project type stuff. It felt great doing a huge deep clean like that but it was rough on my body as I am pretty pregnant. Fast forward a couple weeks. After lots of phone tag and clashing schedules, I was finally able to get a night where my dad could come with his truck to come help haul these mattresses and other big items to take to the storage. The night prior to them coming, me and Caleb got everything ready that needed to be hauled out. Our living room and hall no joke looked like a horders house like on T.V. It was FULL of just things that was getting hauled/ baby stuff that didn't have a space to go to till the big stuff was hauled out. You couldn't even open the front door, you had to use the back door.
(we had another mattress in our tiny hallway, and all the metal frames in the other room still)

Saturday was the day we could haul stuff out. My brother ended up coming up from Idaho Falls to help since when they could come, Caleb was at work, and I'm not much help at the moment. I was SO grateful they took time out of their schedules to come help us out. Well, here's where it got a little awkward. My dad and brother show up at the apartment. They come in and are amazed that I have not been lying with how crammed we are. They got right in and started loading up the mattresses. My dad's truck was loaded with all the mattresses and they came back in to figure out how they were still going to get the metal frames to fit on the truck. It was then that I got a phone call from Caleb. When I saw his name on my phone I thought it was weird because he was at work and he's typically very busy. I answered the phone and instantly I knew something was weird by the tone in his voice. He said, "Hey, sooooo, I have to tell you something, and it's super awkward, but I need you to have your dad move the mattresses back. My grandma called me and changed her mind about her being ok with them going into storage. Basically, we need to move." After me being so confused and him not really wanting to say more till he got home, I instantly got SO angry and over the top stressed. I didn't really know what more to say other than, "k." I got off the phone and I could not hold in my tears. First off, I was SO so mad. I get it. It's her house, she can do what she wants with it and can have whoever she wants or doesn't want there. I was stressed beyond words, and I was extremely embarrassed as I have not ever cried in front of my brother, and probably not in front of my dad since I was like, I don't know, 16 or something, let alone full blown ugly cry. I couldn't hold it in. I took a breath and talked through my tears and said, "I'm very sorry, but we apparently have to put the mattresses back." They both were kind of confused and didn't really know what to say because I was basically sobbing at this point. I told them I didn't know exactly what was up other than his grandma changed her mind and wants them set back up down here. After a minute of basically just staring at each other, back in came the mattresses. I could tell my dad and brother felt bad, but they're guys, not sure what to do or say, and I was to the point I just wanted to be left alone so I could get my ugly cry on and have my own pitty party. Dad knew we had been house hunting but he just kept saying that "we'll find you something Shalei." Well, they ended up leaving and I went to the bathroom to sob. What in the world are we to do now? We have no space, and I mean NO space. We have no where to go. This baby is coming in a matter of 5 weeks and heaven forbid she could easily come earlier than that as we all know that babies come on their own terms. It will not work here and from the sounds of things and vibes we got, we were to not be there any longer. I doubt we could find, buy, and get into a home before the baby, I doubt we could get an apartment that week, let alone one that allows our Libbie. We literally had nothing. I wouldn't have been so stressed if a baby weren't coming, but, because she's coming very soon, I was a mad, completely overwhelmed hot mess. All while I was in the bathroom I hear my dad come back into our apartment. I go out to see what's up and he apparently called a realtor and told me to grab my things and that we were going to go look at a house. I clearly had no interest at the point because I looked like a hot mess, but we went anyway. The house wasn't far. After looking at it, it was a definite no go. My dad drops me back off at my apt. The day goes on and I sat on my bed since there was no where else to sit. I got on my laptop and looked for homes for sale. I searched every site, kept my options open for every home, everything. Caleb finally got home around 5 that evening. He too was quite upset and had the same feelings as I. I will leave out all the drama filled stuff. After talking for about a half an hour, trying to realistically see what our options were, and talking with my parents over the phone, we decided that our best option at this time was to move to my parents house until we could find a house. We talked how we could make room for this baby to come and that way we could still go with our original plan of holding out on house hunting till after the baby was here and the holidays were over. My little bro, (bless his heart) said we could take his room since it's the biggest in the house and would work for our room plus some baby stuff. So, like I said, after about half hour of talking, we decided that's what we needed to do and that's just what felt right. We started boxing things up right away as we were planning on moving out the next day where my dad had the truck and no one was working and would be able to help us move. So, the boxing began. I was already emotionally exhausted but we spent the rest of that night boxing up our apartment. Thank goodness we already had a WHOLE ton of boxes we had saved since we thought we were going to move months ago.
Where Libbie hung out while we boxed things up.

Taking a small break from boxing.

Sunday morning came and the move began. I am so incredibly grateful for my family. All my siblings helped pitch in to help us move. I tried my absolute hardest to not lift anything, but I was on my feet the entire day still boxing and helping out and carrying things that weren't heavy. By the end of the night, we were feeling pretty done. We still had a ton to box up and move but we were calling it a night. Thank goodness. My back and feet had had it. I was exhausted. We set up our bed at my parents so we at least had something to sleep on that night. That wraps up Sunday.

Monday, Caleb took off work because we still had a million things to do. We had an appointment with an insurance broker that morning to set up insurance for both Caleb and this baby when she's born. After the appointment, we grabbed subway for an early lunch, then headed back to our apartment to continue boxing and moving. That took up the rest of our day. After our last load for that night, we were so wiped and hungry, so we decided to stop in at Juds for dinner. It was a fun little dinner date with Caleb.

Tuesday, Caleb had to work the day shift. So I spent ALL that day trying to organize our room and unbox things here. I also had to do our laundry since we were out of clothes. When Caleb got home that night around 5, we made the couple trips back to our apartment to continue moving and now cleaning our apartment. It was another late night.

Wednesday, I hit 35 weeks pregnant. Caleb had to work again, so I spent the whole day again still unboxing and getting things organized here. By the time he got home, we both decided to stay in that night and just rest up since we had a big day again on Thursday. We only had another load maybe two to move and then we just had to finish up cleaning. So we decided to stay in for the night and just sit and rest up a bit.

Thursday, Caleb had taken off work so we could finish up what we needed to move, plus we had some errands to run. We slept in that morning which was SO needed. Caleb's body was sore from all the lifting, moving, and him still working through the week, and my body felt just so pregnant. Mainly my back, hips (ohhh my poor hips) and feet were just done. After finally getting ready for the day after a late start, we headed down to Idaho Falls. We had to run to the bank, then went and pre-registered and took a tour of the hospital we are delivering at.

After that, we took ourselves out to a late lunch/early dinner at chuck-a-rama. We hadn't been there in years and we both were kind of reminded why haha. After we ate, we then headed to Rexburg back to our apartment and finished up there. We were able to pack EVERYTHING else, and finish cleaning the place. We had completely finished there and said goodbye to the place we had lived in for the past 4.5 years.

What a hectic week it's been. Between boxing, moving, unboxing, cleaning, appointments, and errands, we are completely wiped. 

Now about moving in with my parents. I don't want to sound selfish here but I know it's going too. First off, I am grateful beyond words for my parents and family letting us move in with open arms. We took my brother's bedroom and we re arranged 3 rooms to make it work here for us, our baby girls' stuff and plenty of boxes. We are truly grateful. But, I would be totally lying if I were to say I am totally excited about this. I never thought in a million years I would move back home. I never in a million years thought I would give birth and start my family just to take her home back to my parents. I didn't think we'd be squishing our home in with my parents. It's hard. I don't love it. It's only been a week and although it's been fine, I miss having a place for just me and Caleb. I'm a bit nervous to bring a baby here. The help will be great, but we wish were doing this in our own place. I already miss our privacy, being able to walk around with no clothes or a bra (sounds silly but its the truth), not having to share a bathroom with someone other than Caleb, eating dinner just the two of us, and just having our own place. We are still for sure looking for homes and we have a want in mind, but because we are so close to having this baby, we know it will have to wait for a little while longer. Another move will soon be happening as we are wanting our own place, basically yesterday, but because house buying can go quickly or slowly, we aren't exactly sure how long we'll be here. Hopefully not too long, and we will be able to get into our own place soon. Until then, I am trying my very hardest to be content with the change, grateful that we at least had a place to go, enjoy my moments with Caleb as much as I can, and also enjoy the time spent with my family. On the plus side of it all, it's only a one minute drive to Caleb's work instead of 15. He super loves that. :) 

Throughout this week I was feeling a bit bitter about the whole situation. I wanted to know why god was putting us through this at the absolute worst timing possible. I wanted to be humbled and not feel so upset or bitter about the move. Even though I haven't loved it, there have already been a couple tender mercies that have shown me that this is what we are supposed to do at this time. It just so happened that at church today in relief society, the lesson was on tender mercies and I had plenty go through my mind. It was interesting going back to the ward both me and Caleb grew up in. There is a completely different feeling there than any other ward we have been too and it's for the better. I missed it and am grateful for the welcoming feeling we both get when we go. Maybe that alone is why we were supposed to come here. I don't know. All I know is that this is where we are supposed to be at this time. It's hard, and I still have bitter feelings, but I know it's right, and that we will be alright. We are only here temporarily so we both are trying our hardest to make the best of it as this time should be a very exciting time with bringing in our first baby. I honestly think I am having a harder time with it all than Caleb is. He's pretty easy to please. haha 

I want to thank everyone for their help with the move, for my families willingness to allow us back into their home to live for a while, my siblings that gave up their bedroom and part of their bathroom to make room for us, for my sister and her allowing me to cry and vent to her, Caleb's parents for watching Libbie so we could move and for whatever other reasons, and lastly, my husband. I don't know how he does it, but even when I am the most angry, sad, stressed, whatever it is, he still is fully capable of making me feel loved, keeps me laughing every single day, and is such a joy to be around. His positive outlook on everything in life makes me want to be a better person. I love him with all my heart and am grateful I have him by my side to do all this with. He's the bomb. I sure love that tutz. Here's to hoping that we can settle in here and that it goes well, and that we can have luck finding a home to buy. We are hopeful!

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