Saturday, January 2, 2016

2015 in a nutshell

2015 started out very hard and ended absolutely great. Here's 2015 in a nutshell!

-Went snowboarding with Caleb at Kelly Canyon.
-Switched doctors again and had more infertility appointments

-No pictures from this month. Definitely a rough month. We both were pretty sick from infertility meds and I took more time off from work than I wanted too because of it. 

-Hard yet amazing month.
-My grandpa passed away from a long battle of cancer.

-That same week we had to go down to Boise for Caleb's work.

-While in Boise we got treated to an ice hockey game and had our own suite.

-The day after we got back from Boise was the day of my grandpa's funeral in Carey.

-A rough week of infertility disappointments. The week we thought IVF was our last option...

-Was the same week we found out we had indeed became pregnant! Amazing moment and best news we had ever received!

-Had our first ultrasound and saw baby at 7W 6D for the first time. Also amazing!

-The month we announced our news to social media. Never had so much support from people in our lives!
-I ended up quitting my job due to morning (all day) sickness and focused on keeping myself well to carry this baby.

- Was really sick that month. Basically took it easy and hung out at my moms since she was done with work for the summer.
-Our apartment had again flooded.

-Found out we were having a GIRL!!

-I turned 23!
-Caleb worked A TON this month.

-Me and Caleb headed up to a cabin in Island Park for his family reunion.
-I developed the WORST pregnancy rash known to man.
-Failed two glucose tests.
-Caleb again worked a lot this month.


-Me and Caleb celebrated 5 years of marriage!

Me and my sister took a day trip to Wyoming for boxes of baby clothes.

-I had to take my 3rd glucose test at the hospital. 3 hr one.

-I had my baby shower

-Took maternity pictures

-Ended up moving out of our apartment and into my parents. This was very stressful and hard since I was 35 weeks pregnant at the time.

-Celebrated Thanksgiving early with the Niederer side.

-I gave birth to our sweet Kinley Ray the day before Thanksgiving. Best day of our lives yet.
-Caleb turned 26

-Celebrated Christmas first time as a family.

-Baby turned 1 month old.
-Basically figured out this whole parent thing

A lot had happened in 2015. Best of all, we started our family. I can't wait for 2016 and have a feeling it's gonna be a good one. We have a lot of great things to look forward too! 

Happy new year!!

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