Monday, January 11, 2016

Kinley's blessing day

Yesterday 1/10/16 was Kinley's blessing day! The day before all she did was cry seriously all day long so I was worried that the day of her blessing was going to be rough. I prayed good and hard that it would be a good day, that she would be happy, that I would feel good, and that it would be a special day. It was all of that. It couldn't have gone better.

Hard to get a decent picture cause she was moving. She also had on tights and little white shoes. So pretty!

Most all of the families showed up on both sides. Caleb's dad even came which meant a lot to us. I'm so grateful that Caleb holds the priesthood so that he could be the one to bless her. He did such a great job and gave her a beautiful blessing. I'm a proud wife.

After sacrament meeting, we headed over to Big Juds. We held it there since there was more room than our house, and it was able to seat everyone. It worked out perfect. We had pulled pork sandwiches, side salads, jello's, vegetable trays, and chips. For drinks, we just used the fountain drinks which was nice since everyone could choose what they wanted. For dessert, we had ice cream and my mom had made chocolate cake. It pays to have hook ups with someone from a restaurant. Caleb's boss is awesome and we appreciate him for letting us use the building, drinks, ice cream, and help for the food.

The day went great and Kinley didn't cry hardly at all the whole day. It's like she just knew it was a special day for her! I'm so proud of my little family. :)

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