Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Today I got to go pick up one of my nephews to give his mama a little break. I was so excited. He is seriously the best little guy ever. I want him as my own. I love him that much. I picked him up, did a quick errand, then headed over to my sisters house to see her and her baby.
Arlen right now is into giving kisses. He loves his cousin and is always touching him and today gave him lots and lots of kisses. So freakin adorable. 

It was a great day just me and my nephews and sister. Seriously they are to die for!! Guh! I just can't get enough of them!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Fall family pictures

Yesterday my family drove over to twin bridges and took some family pictures. Some of them are from my digital camera and others from my phone. So they aren't the best quality but they turned out decent enough for some updated family pictures. I am definitely investing in a new camera. It was such a hoot!
One of my favorites. It's crazy to see how much we have changed over the course of 4+ years!

My beautiful sister!

My brother Tyson, his wife, and their son.

My bro. Lane

My sister, her husband, and son

My parents. The ones who created this amazing family!

The two siblings still at home

Grandparents and their grandbabies

Cute new mommy of 3 weeks. 

I could steal him! I hope when we have kids, that they turn out like him. haha such a happy, easy going, funny boy.

My handsome bro

My favorite family pic. 

My sister took these and had the cord in front of the lens :/ oh well. still a cute one. 

I'll take a wet slobbery kiss any day ;)

After we got back from taking pictures, we had dinner and looked through all our pictures. It was at dinner time that my brother Tyson announced that he and his wife Andrea are expecting baby number 2! I'm so happy for them, From the way Arlen looks at Kash, I know he will be a fun big brother. And that pretty much sums up the night! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Random happenings

Here's a little update.....Since my nephew was born, I went down to spend the day with my sister to help her out in any way and to hold baby Kash. It was nice to just hangout with Shandell. Love that girl!

We have had LOADS of rain last week. So much it started to flood our apartment. It started out a tiny little puddle. I blamed our dog :/ and later which I spent all day apologizing to Libbie because it wasn't her. I felt horrible. But every time I went in to clean it up, the water kept getting bigger and bigger and before we knew it it took up the whole corner and alongside one wall of our bedroom. 

These pictures don't do it justice. I drove in some of the worst rain storms I've ever driven in. It was so bad at night you litterally could not see the lines on the road. I drove one night and there was a couple accidents on the highway and a couple of times I truly hydroplaned. Scary stuff! 

And this picture was just at the start. So water filled up that whole corner and all along the wall behind our bed. So we borrowed a shop vac and sucked up quite a bit of water! We pulled out the fans and let it dry. We had some of  the furniture in our living room and our bed was right close to the door. As little of a thing it was, it still caused chaos for a bit. Our house smelled like musty wet carpet, our stuff was kind spread throughout the house, and I personally just get a bit overwhelmed when my house isn't in decent order. Close to a week later, the carpet finally dried. I was able to clean the carpets, and move our furniture back. It felt SO good to have my house back in place!

Shandell and her husband came out to stay at my parents house for conference weekend. I went out Friday and hung out with them.
I snuggled Kash and was also able to run into town to run a few errands with my mom. 

One of those errands was to pick up my new glasses. I have had glasses since my junior year of high school. I also have contacts but I never wear them. I got tired of my old glasses because the frames were too small so I could see the plastic around the frames. It was making me feel claustrophobic. I know these ones are a bit bigger and not quite as flattering, but I wanted a bigger frame so I could actually see. Good thing I went in to get my eyes checked because they got worse so wearing my new glasses makes a big difference! I can now see the leaves on the trees, the carpet is no longer a blur, and I can see the little strands of grass. It's amazing! haha I have been missing out!

Conference Saturday, both me and Caleb had to work. For me, it was DEAD slow. I guess that's what happens when you live in a big ol'  mormon town. haha! On Sunday, me and Caleb headed out to my parents house for my mom's birthday.
Happy birthday to my mom!! Love this woman to pieces! We had a nice dinner and lots of dessert. Pretty sure everyone fell asleep at some point too. haha

As for other news, me and Caleb are as happy as ever. We have such an amazing marriage and it is a hoot to be married to the guy.
I usually sit here next to him every day. This is where a lot of our chats happen. Here we are, side by side, doing some gaming with my boy. Love him so much!!