Sunday, April 16, 2017

Cress Creek, Easter, and a bunch of randoms

I haven't blogged in a while so I have a million pictures and almost can't remember what happened before what. So, I will just post all the pictures in no particular order. :)

We headed up to Cress Creek to hike.

Here's a bunch of randoms
First little pedicure

Guh, guess who got the stomach flu again? Poor thing. 2nd time in 3 months. 3rd time in her 16 months of life. I don't know why she gets sick so much. It's exhausting! This time I found it was easiest to just sleep on the floor with her rather than try to clean up bed sheets all night. Stomach flu is the worst! THANKFULLY this go around was MUCH shorter and better than last time. It was still not fun and mostly a 24 hour bug and the puking was all within a 5 hour period instead of 3 days.

Kinley has been OBSESSED with shoes lately. She loves to wear any and all kinds all day. Such a girly girl.

Just playin some video games with dad haha

Seems accurate. haha

At it with the shoes again. These are her favorite of my shoes.

Sunday shows and snuggles

Oh hey, more shoes haha

Her bed head is too funny and it cracks me up every day. Such a little sass.

Post nap snuggles.

Just playing outside!

Yesterday we celebrated Easter at my parents. We had an Easter egg hunt for the cousins and then a nice Easter dinner. It was such a fun day and it was fun celebrating it with Kinley. Last years Easter was completely different and my head was not in a place where I even THOUGHT about the Easter bunny just because this was the time Kinley was so so sick with her seizures, so every day, we were all just trying to survive another day and doing our absolute best to get our Kinley better. Grateful this year I could celebrate doing the Easter bunny and enjoy the holiday :)
Ready to go out to their Easter egg hunt

Four wheeler rides with grandpa

The Easter bunny came!

The Easter bunny brought a few fun bath things

And she totally hates her dress. If only you could live this life being totally naked all the time haha

Trying out all her new things. She LOVED them.

As for other news.

Caleb had to go to Boise last weekend for a few days. I ended up staying back this time. It was the weekend Kinley had the stomach flu so it was good I could stay behind for her. I hate being home alone but I survived and thankfully Kinley got over her bug fairly fast. That weekend was also a family reunion on my mom's side. We did it early this year. They did the museum and chuck a rama. That morning, my family was out of power, so they came to my house to use the shower and get ready. I ended up just going to the lunch with my siblings because of trying to fit nap times and what not and it ended up working out well. Besides the Boise weekend, Caleb has been doing good. He is staying busy with work and things with that are going good. I'm so proud of him and how hard he works. The business is going great which is awesome.

I am also doing pretty good. I got to escape from Kinley for the 2nd time ever and do my 2nd session of my eyebrows. I am happy with them and have loved having eyebrows! haha. I mentioned in a previous post about getting help with my stomach issues and anxiety. I started the anxiety medication that night after seeing my doctor and lets just say it was absolutely awful to say the least. I have always been known as a light weight and I woke up a few hours after I took my first dose with some awful side effects. I basically passed out, was dry heaving, was SOAKED in sweat. Literally drenched in sweat. I could feel my heart in my toes, had the shakes, couldn't stand up because I was extremely dizzy, and was nauseous nauseous nauseous. It was awful. I stopped the medication and have felt fine since. I don't love medications for various reasons so I would like to try to avoid it if possible and am going to do the therapy route and see how I do. After talking with my sister and really thinking about the timeline of when my anxiety has gotten out of control bad, lines up with after I had Kinley. So I am now realizing (yes, a whole 16 months later) that it may actually be post partum anxiety. It has never been so bad. I had an anxiety attack the night Kinley had the flu and it was in full swing and lasted for 6 hours straight. I was able to sleep off and on in between Kinley puking, then woke up that morning with another one. So anyways. It's been a HUGE challenge for me and I am still in the process of getting help with that. I have my first appointment with a stomach doctor this week, so we will see how that goes. 

Kinley is doing great. Her sleep is I would say over all getting somewhat better. But she still gets up a couple times a night and is up anywhere from 5 to 6 30 for the day with going to sleep between 7 40 ish to 8. It's still hard but I have gotten lucky and have had some random nights that she does really well. Even now, getting up twice is such a breeze compared to what it's been like in the past. So, really, no complaints here. I feel like she has really grown up like overnight. She is saying words and seems to really understand a lot now. She has quite the attitude and usually throws a huge fit if she doesn't get what she wants. She can also be stinkin funny. She has me and Caleb laughing all the time. She still only has 5 teeth. 2 on the bottom with 3 on the top with her 4th that should be coming in soon. Crazy that she'll be 17 months next week! My baby is not a baby any more. She is currently OBSESSED with Elmo, Caillou, shoes, being naked, her belly button, and outside. She keeps me busy but so happy!

As for us as a family, we have started working on our yard for the summer. we didn't do much to our yard last year where we had recently moved in and were trying to get settled with everything else. But our goal this year is to fix up our yard to how we want it and make it look nice. We will be filling holes, planting grass in areas, and re landscaping the front of our house to make it look better. I'm excited! I grew up hating yard work but where it's my yard I think I might actually like it.