Wednesday, January 17, 2018

December and January catch up

It's hard when I get behind on blogging because I forget about what all has happened! I'll type what I remember and put pictures in for the rest because those are what tells a lot of the stories.

Christmas this year was overall great. Kinley came down with the stomach flu Christmas eve, eve, so I was nervous that we all would be sick on Christmas but knock on wood, no one got it. Kinley got a baby set from Santa and she has played with it every day since. She looooves her babies. She ssshh's them, rocks them, puts them down for naps, and constantly has a baby in her arms. I love it! We saw all the family on both sides Christmas day. It was busy, but nice.
The morning after a completely sleepless night with a puking baby. 

New years eve was spent at Caleb's brothers house. One of Caleb's brothers and his family was finally able to come visit everyone after 5 years. So it was a big deal having everyone there and it was fun seeing all of Caleb's family together. New years day all the Niederers went sledding. Kinley loved every second of it! 

Now, I have a million pictures of just random throughout the past little while. They're not even in order, but they're documented atleast! Haha

She got a home made stool for Christmas from my parents and still uses a pot or pan as a stool instead. 

She's got her freaky elves and is ready to go haha!  

Caleb and Kinley play a quick game of hide and seek every night before bed. It always ends in the good belly laughs and I love ending her day that way. 

She put both the huge bear and her baby in there. Notice the dish towel for the babies blanket. Haha

Christmas shopping 

She had pulled her dress down and fell asleep waaay late in the day

It's funny cleaning up all the toys at the end of the day because I am starting to see Kinley's imagination. 

She randomly crawled up on my dad and fell asleep. Nice and cozy by the fire. 

Playing with my old doll house

She's obsessed with helping me cook

Finally long enough for a ponytail! 

She hates clothes and has now figured out how to take off her diaper. Ohhh it's been an adventure with that. 

Blast off! 

We went to the Ice castles with my family the other day. They were super cool! Kinley loved the sledding the most and would giggle and squeal all the way down. Haha

Notice the pan. And I swear her eyes are gonna go square. I can't keep her further away from the TV. 

Our Christmas card picture this year

Good old snap chat 

Update on Caleb. He's doing good! Work is in its slow season with it being winter but is still doing great. He's been home a bit more than usual so it's been wonderful having him around. It's slowly making up for all the years he worked his guts out and we never got to see each other. 

I'm same old same old. Takin care of 
my Kinley and trying to stay happy and busy during this winter. I'm still doing therapy and it's been good that way. My anxiety has actually been at an all time high and has been nothing but debilitating. My biggest trigger is germs and health and with it being flu season I've basically hybernated and am trying to just take one day at a time. I'll probably write in the next post a big long post about it and the struggles that I've been going through that way. The night Kinley had the stomach flu was one of my worst anxiety times yet. Thank goodness for Caleb. Seriously. 

Kinley? Oh she's doing good! She is a happy, healthy, sassy little thing. She had blood work done not too long ago to check her medication levels and things are still on track there which is great. She is at such a fun stage. She's hilarious. Some current things with her are: she has stopped taking naps which stinks. I looked forward to my 20 to 30 minutes of quiet. Haha. She will maybe fall asleep in the car but she refuses to nap at home. Her sleep is very kind of hit of miss. I'd say she still gets up 85 percent of the time and I'd say 80 percent of that, she is up for hours on end in the night. We're still dealing with night terrors like crazy, no sleep, long nights over here. She hates clothes. Hates them. Hates diapers but won't potty train. Loves her baths and is "a fishy" when she takes them. Scared to death of the vacuum and garbage truck. Is obsessed with her babies. Says the most sincere "thank you"  or "no thank you" which makes me so proud. She currently does this thing where if she does anything so strenuous, like climbs off the chair, picks up a toy, climbs onto the couch, etc. she will wipe her hand across her forehead and go "whew!" haha and it cracks us up every time. She tickles us non stop. Randomly comes up to give me a hug or kiss. Kinley and Libbie are both pronounced "Linley" to her. She eats mac n cheese with a bowl of fruit just about daily because it's all she'll eat for lunch. She's currently into the show peppa pig. There's so many cute things she does and I just stinkin love her. She throws many tantrums right now if she doesn't get her way. She keeps me busy and slightly nutty, but I'm so blessed and grateful to have her. She makes me so happy! 

Libbie is the same too. Enjoys the days she gets to go to grandpa's, loves a good bone, still loathes her sister Kinley, and is happy if you play with any toy with her. She's starting to kind of get old. She turned 7 in Oct and she still very much has a pep to her step. Haha