Monday, September 26, 2016

Boise, 10 months, and random

Last weekend we headed to Boise for a wedding. It was Caleb's boss that was getting married. The wedding was on a Sunday so we left that morning, got to Boise, checked into our hotel, then headed over to the wedding.
This was seriously the only picture I got. Woops! The wedding was nice and it was fun to see our friends :) After the wedding, we headed back to the hotel. We only stayed the one night. That next morning was kind of a disaster. Both me and Caleb were not feeling well and to top it off, Kinley had fell off the bed. I felt absolutely awful. I literally turned my back for a second. I knew better. Scared us all but after a bit, she seemed to be ok. Just a conk on the noggin. :(

Kinley had a yucky head cold a couple weeks ago.
Even with watery and red eyes she was still smiles. Poor girl. 

Over this last weekend, my sister and her family came up from Utah again to celebrate her son's 2nd birthday. We had a party on Saturday which ended up being a lot of fun. 
All the grand babies

This weekend I came down with being sick. It's been kind of awful. I don't know what it is but I have felt pretty cruddy. I am grateful for Caleb when times like this happens because being a mom and an adult when your sick just stinks. Especially when It's bad enough you literally just want to curl up and not move. Luckily tonight I think I might be on the mend. Hopefully another day or two and I'll be feeling back to myself.
Thank goodness this girl adores her dad. Makes it a little easier knowing she is in good hands while I take care of myself. 

On Sunday, Kinley turned 10 months old! I cannot believe it. We have had this sweet girl for almost a year. Man time flies. At 10 months, our Kinney bear....
*wears both 6-9 mo and 12 mo clothes
*size 3 diapers
*18 lbs (45%)
*points to everything with her cutest little stumpy finger
*had her 1st tooth finally cut through as of a few days ago
*horrible sleeper both day and night
*walks along the edge of things
*absolutely adores her dad
*crawls to me and wants a bite of everything I eat
*loves to "help" with the dishwasher and laundry
*into anything and everything
*laughs at her own toots (kinda crude and inappropriate at times, yet hilarious) 
*still loves to play under the kitchen table and in the chairs
*has become very sassy and has quite an attitude but is otherwise totally sweet and hilarious 

She seriously has been so fun. I feel like each new stage brings on some hard challenges, yet more fun things to enjoy. She's made me learn more about myself and what life is all about. I couldn't imagine my life without our sweet Kinley! She makes us laugh every day!

And here are some random pictures.
Morning snuggles and wicked bed head haha

Just being cute

I could stare at this sleeping baby all day in a non creepy way. So innocent and sweet. Melts my heart and my love for her could make my heart burst.

We've had some cool fall days with lots of rain. Our favorite! She loves to go to the window and just watch outside.

Just our usual daily snuggles.

And this is her new thing. I love them squishy lippies! Such a ham!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

6 years, Labor day weekend, and random updates

Me and Caleb celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary on the 4th! I don't really have a bunch to say other than it's been an amazing 6 years! The power went out the day we got married along with our day this year as well. For 3 stinking hours might I add. Haha I guess we are just planning on the power being out on holidays since it was out on my birthday too. So, we weren't able to even make us a nice dinner like I had planned. What do ya do. Eat chips, sit in the dark, and talk. Haha.

That morning, our niece was blessed, so we went to her baby blessing.

Happy Anniversary my sweet husband of mine! I love him so so so much.

Labor day weekend ended up being a lot of fun! My sister had come up from Utah which is always fun. Saturday, most all of the family last minute drove to Fall Creek Falls, It's really a very pretty spot!

Monday was Labor Day, so we met up at the zoo that afternoon, then ended back at my parents for pizza and treats. 
Compared to the last time we went with Kinley, she showed a little more interest this time which was kinda fun. She was actually looking at the animals haha

All my siblings and our kids. Just missing Caleb, and my sister's husband. 

Tuesday, the day after Labor day, me and Caleb decided to go out for a late anniversary dinner since our anniversary was on a Sunday and the power outage didn't allow out to even have a good meal at home. So, we went out on a date! We did a couple errands and then decided to try out the Snakebite. Honestly, we didn't love it. There was a hair in Caleb's food and they messed up my order which is no surprise because literally EVERYWHERE messes my order up. Now we know though and it was still fun to go out!
Our cute dinner date tag along :)

So this last week I have gone through Kinley's old clothes, and FINALLY gone through every bit of my closet and separated what was going where. I tried to sell some of my nice clothes and NO one was buying them and I had like 4 people fall through. It was just a continuous hassle. So, I figured as bad as it sucks, I need to just di them. Otherwise they will just sit in my closet for no reason. 
For Kinley, I had put this outfit in a bin a while back with a bunch of her older clothes even though it still fit her. I stuck it in there because every time I saw it, I was reminded of the awful seizure she had at the restaurant. This was the outfit she was wearing and the same day we went down to Primary Children's the first time. I couldn't help but be reminded of our very emotional, scary, exhausting time in our lives every time I saw it. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. It was cute and had only been worn twice. I didn't want to keep it where I would see it a lot, yet I felt almost sad in a way getting rid of it because this particular outfit just reminds me of a big thing our family and especially our Kinley went through. I ended up sticking it in the di bag mainly because It brought back too many bad memories every time I saw it and I figured getting rid of it would probably be the best option for me. It's bittersweet in a way. Kind of a weird feeling that I don't know how to describe.

And this here is all of my clothes getting hauled away. Again, it was bittersweet getting rid of clothes! Especially because certain clothes remind me of certain memories. For the most part, it was refreshing knowing that I was getting rid of things that brought back bad and negative feelings I had toward myself at the time. The shirt I was wearing the day we found out we were pregnant, or a favorite shirt I remember I could no longer squeeze myself into, the one I specifically remember wearing at one of our fertility appointments. To be honest, they mostly weren't the best memories. It was a very hard and pretty depressing time in my life when I was wearing these so It's nice knowing life has gotten so much better since and I'm throwing out the old and slowly bringing in the new. 

Got one of my walls decorated

Kinley loves to go to the sliding doors and watch outside, especially if dad is out there working :)

I ended up taking Kinley to the doctor because she had been pulling on her ear for a good few days. Turns out it's most likely teething. 

I've been going through Kinley's clothes and had to pull out 12 month clothes :( Pulling out fall clothes and putting away summer clothes. That part makes me happy!

Just because she very rarely falls asleep like this! The best feeling!

Mornings. hahaha I feel ya girl. 

And just cause she's cute :)