OK so I'm playing catch up since it's been so long since I've blogged. Best way is through pictures! Here's what we've been up too the last couple months in no particular order.
My sister Shandell was I think 31 weeks pregnant at the time, fell down the stairs and broke her ankle in 3 different spots. Long story short, she was in the hospital for 4 days, had surgery and had to be awake during it since she's pregnant, and had 12 screws and 1 plate put in her ankle. It's been no easy task for her but she is healing and getting close to meeting that baby boy!
Kinley loving on big juds fries
We got to experience the total solar eclipse in August. It was incredible! Definitely worth the hype.
Playing outside :)
Every once and a while, I'll get Kinley after she wakes up from her nap, and she falls back asleep on me and it's something I LOOOVE. I cherish these moments sooo much!
She's been more and more into her dolls lately and it's so freakin cute. She loves to grab the dish towels as her blankets lol
Kinley went through a phase where she was obsessed with stickers. I found them everywhere. Couch, windows, my clothes, shoes, and libbie haha
So girly
So Caleb has put in countless hours at work. Big juds closed down for just over a week for some major remodeling. Although it was exciting and needed for the restaurant, it's been hard to be here with Kinley. Caleb would be gone from like 6 am till midnight every day. We'd go see him at work most those days but because it was a construction zone, it wasn't the safest for Kinley so we'd never stay too long. He still has had many projects and has had to work every Sunday all summer. So, it's been good, but my lonely self has got the best of me plenty of times. I have had to take over mowing the lawn. It may take me 3 hrs to do our little lawn because half the time I have to hold Kinley while mowing, but atleast I get it done! I also have had to learn how to weed wack and that makes my arms like jello afterwards. Glad summer is ending so that we dont have to mow for much longer haha. Where's those neighbor boys that ask to do something for money when ya need em?! Haha
One of those mornings, we got a couple minutes in of just snuggling and Kinley loved it. She missed her daddy just as much as me.
Hard at work. I'm proud of Caleb. He's never been one that's had to do any kind of construction. He has done a lot during this process and it's fun to see him work on something different that he came to find out that he enjoyed doing. His dad and my dad also helped quite a bit too.
While he was working, we took care of Kinleys babies a looot haha
Here's a couple afters. There's some signs and logos going on the wall but compared to the before, it is such an upgrade and looks very nice. They didn't get finished in time because they had to order more metal. So another few Sundays of working to get that metal in.
Always has someone's shoes on lol
Cute new hairstyles I'm trying
Precious sleeping babe.
Playing with cousin Audrey
This Is Kinley's new thing. She is all attitude and all things sassy. Definitely almost 2!
Hahaha her bed head kills me
Our TV officially crapped out which meant it was time for a new one. First TV we've had to buy since being married!
Just being cute!
As far as updates, Caleb has mainly just had a lot of work he's had to do. He's been super busy with that. Otherwise, things are great with him!
I'm doing good too. I enjoy my days raising Kinley. Although there are times that are draining, I truly love what I do. I'm grateful I have my little sidekick with me 24 7. I'm still currently doing weekly therapy. I've pregressed some, but definitely have a ways to go. But, I have loved therapy and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. It's been a huge blessing to me.
Kinley is doing great too. She just got over another cold but is doing well otherwise. She may have had some seizure activity a few weeks ago, so that is still something on our minds a lot. Her medication is a daily fight and I'm out of options on how to get it down. One day at a time with that. She's going through a phase where she refuses food. Any and all. It's been months. She'll skip 3 meals at a time and eat nothing but maybe a gogurt and some juice. That's also something we're working on. It's been frustrating but part of raising kids. She is getting hilarious though and we love how much she is talking. Her sleep is hit or miss. Either pretty good, or still just rough. It really depends. Usually she'll have a rough few weeks, have a good couple days, then a rough few weeks and so on. She is at a stage we have loooved, but she's also very hard too. I love that she teaches me so much though. She's such a blessing to us!
Libbie is doing good too. She'll be 7 years old next month and still had a pep to her step. Haha.
It was mine and Caleb's 7 year wedding anniversary on the 4th of September. That was when juds was still closed for the remodel. Caleb had to work the entire day. So, me and Kinley ran a few errands, brought him his favorite dinner for when he got home, and then brought him donuts at work. Since it's been so busy, we have yet to had a day to celebrate. So, that WILL happen soon.
We had one evening together as a family so we went to see of of the parade of homes. I always love doing those! Something fun and different!
Anyways. Life is still trucking along and things although are busy, are good. :)