As of lately, there are actually things that have gone on! lets see, Caleb started school! so far i think its going ok for him. i mean, in reality, pretty sure nobody would go to school if they didnt have to right!? yeah so where its kind of no option anymore we just make the best of it. I also started school and as of right now its going great! i was so worried about the girls being these high maintenence dramatic queens that i wouldnt get along with but most girls in my class are all really down to earth, funny, and we all get along really well which i am so greatful for!! and its going by so quickly! i only started yesterday (tuesday) and tomorrow (thursday) i get to get my station ready and get all my curling irons and scissors and capes and all that jazz and then do a perm on a maniquin! woo hoo! excited? yes. very. i think i am going to love this. The instructors are hillarious and i dunno! i feel like i belong there so i think i made the right choice by doing this whole cosmetology school. :) :) lets see, what else has gone on.......i babysat my nephew a week before school and i just love every minute of doing it. i am quite baby hungry but i suppose i will wait till school is over. I also went in the day before school started to get my hair re dyed. mainly my roots and it turned out awful. i was first off supposed to blonde like i was. instead i went DARK brown. and i was NOT A FAN OF IT. the underneath color went green so i sat in the sink for like an hour so they could get it out. over all, i was there for almost 4 and half hours, paid $120 for something that i didnt even want, had an allergic reaction to the hair dye so now my neck and ears are bright red, itchy, and a bit swollen, alll my plans fell through that day because of it, i got home 10 minutes before i had to leave for work, i hadnt eaten anything yet so i was starving. let just say, i came home and had a huge mental breakdown. but i had to gather myself together so i could go fake a smile to the public. ( i hate waitressing sometimes. its hard to act happy when deep down all you wanna do is bawl and go to sleep) anyways, i got through the night and school the next day and that evening, i had my cousin fix my hair. so now its mostly back to normal, there is still a tiny bit brown throughout it but its definetely better than it was before :) Today i got a small stomach bug and came home from school and have pretty much just been layin on the couch...something isnt agreeing i guess. I went and saw my friend Elise and her brand new baby. and boy is her baby a cutie!! she was so stinkin precious!! Congrats to you Elise! anyways, thats all that pretty much has happened!
is he not just the cutest!?!
my cute new school bag! :)