Sunday, April 20, 2014


Everyone knows about the true meaning of Easter. So I'm not going to give a big story about it. Lets just put it this way. It was the day he had risen. Truly amazing. Moving on. Obviously the older I get it's easier to keep the true meaning of holidays in mind. As for Easter, it brings back many fun memories of the Easter bunny coming and hiding our Easter baskets and leaving a trail of candy through our home. There were many years I would get up super early to find it. I'd be searching for hours. ( the Easter bunny was a good hider ;) ) I would get super upset if it was time for church and all of my sibling had found their baskets but me and I'd have to wait till after church to find it. hahaha I suppose that taught me some patience. 

As for this year, we ended up at my parents house for a big dinner with my family. My mom had prepared a wonderful meal! ( She just had surgery 3 days ago and she still insists on cooking for us. Bless her heart. ) We rode dirt bikes for a while, then came back home. Pretty simple! 
Because of Christ, I get to spend eternity with Caleb. And that makes my heart happy.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

A year ago..

I meant to write this blog post about a week ago but just never got to it. It's ok though, I'm doing it now :) So a year ago on March 27th of 2013 was the day I graduated cosmetology school. When that day was coming up this year, I had so many thoughts running through my head. I had all these bad, good, scary memories that I kept thinking of. Sadly, memories of me mainly of how I absolutely hated school. The multiple tests I had failed, the countless times I "quit", the times I was made fun of or was gossiped about, the times I was so sick, the times I went through 2 deaths in the family, losing my grant money due to bad grades. But not only bad came from it either. There were a feeewww good times. (I won't be that negative. haha) I had made a few friends, I myself became SO much stronger, I matured a LOT, I pushed myself in ways I didn't think were possible, and best of all, I passed both my boards, graduated, and received my license!

Now, here I am, working and have been since I graduated. In school, I told myself I would never work in a salon because I hated it that much. But, where I was offered a job (twice), I decided to put my big girl panties on and accept it and start my so called career that I didn't even want to do. The first couple months were a bit rough as would starting any new job. But, new management came, I got to know the girls better and better every day, and I slowly grew to love my job. Now I'm into it almost year and am SO grateful I am where I am. I love my job. I cannot believe how different it is compared to school. In a good way that is. I am building my clientele, my checks are getting bigger, I have more girlfriends now than I have ever had. It's fun, and I overall love what I do. I am SO grateful my husband, parents and familythat made me stick with school even though times were incredibly tough. I'm proud of myself and how far I've come in just a years time. And lastly, I am sooo grateful I stuck with it and have an amazing job. :]