Saturday, April 5, 2014

A year ago..

I meant to write this blog post about a week ago but just never got to it. It's ok though, I'm doing it now :) So a year ago on March 27th of 2013 was the day I graduated cosmetology school. When that day was coming up this year, I had so many thoughts running through my head. I had all these bad, good, scary memories that I kept thinking of. Sadly, memories of me mainly of how I absolutely hated school. The multiple tests I had failed, the countless times I "quit", the times I was made fun of or was gossiped about, the times I was so sick, the times I went through 2 deaths in the family, losing my grant money due to bad grades. But not only bad came from it either. There were a feeewww good times. (I won't be that negative. haha) I had made a few friends, I myself became SO much stronger, I matured a LOT, I pushed myself in ways I didn't think were possible, and best of all, I passed both my boards, graduated, and received my license!

Now, here I am, working and have been since I graduated. In school, I told myself I would never work in a salon because I hated it that much. But, where I was offered a job (twice), I decided to put my big girl panties on and accept it and start my so called career that I didn't even want to do. The first couple months were a bit rough as would starting any new job. But, new management came, I got to know the girls better and better every day, and I slowly grew to love my job. Now I'm into it almost year and am SO grateful I am where I am. I love my job. I cannot believe how different it is compared to school. In a good way that is. I am building my clientele, my checks are getting bigger, I have more girlfriends now than I have ever had. It's fun, and I overall love what I do. I am SO grateful my husband, parents and familythat made me stick with school even though times were incredibly tough. I'm proud of myself and how far I've come in just a years time. And lastly, I am sooo grateful I stuck with it and have an amazing job. :]

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