Thursday, January 1, 2015

So long 2014

To be honest, I'm kinda glad 2014 is over. It wasn't a bad year, but not great either. Most things I had planned on happening this year, didn't. So we are definitely looking forward to 2015. Let's break down this past year in an overload of pictures.

I babysat 3 days a week, worked 3 days a week, and did my dental assisting school. I was busy!
Caleb started another semester of school.


We sold our Honda Accord and bought our Ford Escape which we still love. I would have to say as far as big moment's go, this was the best one this year. 

We had a wild moose hang out in our backyard that would come and go for about 2 weeks or so.

Date night

(excuse the nastyness, pudgy, swolleness)

March was a tough month. After 10 months of doctors, I had surgery which ended up not helping me. I hate to be a downer but it did nothing for me. Still in pain, still not pregnant. This was when our infertility really started to get to us.  

We celebrated Easter


We went to Mesa Falls with my family. Caleb couldn't go since he was at work.

I went to Lagoon with some girls from work. 
Me and Caleb took a trip to Boise for Caleb's upcoming promotion. 

We got family pictures done. 
Caleb finished another two semesters of school.
This was a big month for us. Caleb got a huge promotion at work. Big Juds got new owners and Caleb basically took over the restaurant. He was working crazy hours while they remodeled. As in from 10 in the morning till 4 in the morning. That sucked, but it was for the better.

In the middle of a busy month, we managed to get a super fun date in. It ended up in buying matching pajama shirts. 

I rode up to Driggs with my family and watched the Huntsman fireworks. AMAZING

Libbie got groomed.

I was in the parade for work.

I turned 22 and we had a family reunion at Heise on the same day.

I gave my nephew his first haircut.

Me and Caleb took a Sunday drive to Fall Creek Falls.

I got my wisdom teeth pulled. :/
This was also the month that Rexburg had a flash flood.
I finished my dental assisting school!


First time canoeing/kayaking

We had the Niederer reunion at Rigby Lake.

I had a couple of raises at work by this time.

We celebrated 4 years of marriage!! Woo!!

We traveled to Boise for Caleb's work. While we were there, we were treated to dinner, and a Boise state football game. First time for us. We also got to go to the aquarium, visit my grandpa and step grandma, and hang out with some friends. 

My nephew Kash was born!

Gaming/chatting--the usual.

I spent a lot of time at my sisters with her new baby. This time I took my other nephew with me.

Halloween happened and we did absolutely nothing. haha

Our home started to flood from the mass amounts of rain we had.

Took family pictures. 


Caleb attempted to eat the Big Jud at work with some work friends.

Caleb turned 25!

Had our first snowfall of the year.

Started our fertility journey with doctors, doctors, and more doctors. Definitely one of the most emotional months we've ever had.  

I FINALLY got my diploma for dental assisting. It was official now. (even though they spelled my name wrong on my diploma)

We had Thanksgiving at my parents.

Went shooting

We got pictures done for Christmas cards.

Had lots of snuggles from our fur-baby Libbie
Celebrated Christmas Eve with my love at both families homes.
Had our 6th Christmas together!

Had New Years Eve at my brother's house with all my family.

I don't remember everything I wanted to accomplish this year, but the main one I was really hoping for was to get pregnant. That obviously didn't happen. It seems like all we did was do a decent amount of medical stuff and see a lot of doctors. Surgery, wisdom teeth, and infertility. It's a bit overwhelming. We have had more doctors bills than we've ever had. It's definitely been one of the most emotional years we have ever had. At the same time, as I write this post and break it down month by month, I forgot that a lot of really good things happened too. It makes me grateful for my overload/annoyance (to some people) of pictures I take. I love looking back on life and what we've done. 

I'm not one to really set goals anymore because either I set unrealistic goals and never accomplish them, or I have just really bad luck and don't accomplish them. ha ha. I personally feel that you don't need a new year to start better, although it is kind of a refreshing feeling to start fresh and new and I think that's why people make goals. So, I do want to attempt. I know some may not happen but I at least want to work towards it, weather it's achieved this year or not. So my goals, both big and small are these:

1. I am praying to get pregnant. I know the road to get there is going to be tough, if it's even possible, but I am REALLY trying to stay as positive as I can. If it doesn't happen this year, then that is just really going to suck. Keep your fingers crossed that treatments work.

2. I really want to focus on the good in my life. I think this last year has really tested my patience and made me kind of a negative nancy. I want both me and Caleb to just enjoy life. Not that we don't. But I want for us to not compare ourselves to others so much, and simply find the good in life. I know that there is ALWAYS something good and something to be grateful for. I need to focus on that rather than what I don't have. 

3. I want to become even stronger in the gospel

4. I want to become a better wife by cooking more meals. I am a horrible cook and where we live, our oven I swear was made in the 1800s. Ok not really, but it's the old dial ovens. 2 burners won't even turn on and your lucky if 1 of the 2 that do work doesn't light up in flames. Thank goodness we don't have smoke alarms. Those bad boys would be going off probably ever other day. So to my defense, our oven sucks. But I have got to get better at making food. We got a pan set for Christmas from my parent's and I plan on putting them to good use. With or without flames.

5. We are SO close to buying a house. I am praying that Caleb's work continues as planned so that we can make that happen. It's so close I can taste it. I truly think this year it will happen. Logically thinking. All the other years, I was just excited and antsy and knew deep down it wouldn't. But this year, I think realistically, it will happen. 

And that's really my main goals. I know if all those happen that this year will be one to remember. I know they are big milestones in life and we are READY for something great to happen. I am grateful for a new year. I am grateful to spend another year with Caleb. I am excited and looking forward what this year brings us. Happy New Years!

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