The bump. Gettin reaaalll large.
As far as this last week and how things are going, i'd say overall I feel like crap, yet the pregnancy is going good. I had my doctors appointment today and even though I feel very pregnant and honestly pretty crummy, I couldn't help but walk out just feeling so so grateful! My blood pressure looks great, my weight gain is a pretty small amount which I'm very happy about, I have no swelling, my belly actually measured right on track this week rather than two weeks ahead, baby girls' heartbeat was a good 156 bpm, I found out I can continue my heartburn medication which makes me VERY happy, and overall, the pregnancy is just great. I'm healthy, she's healthy, and it like makes me proud and just happy knowing that my body has been able to give this baby a life and that things are just going really good. As far as how I'm feeling is kind of another story. haha. It's all definitely normal, but this week especially I feel like a lot of the first trimester symptoms are creepin back into my life which makes things hard sometimes. The nausea is back a lot. I'm seriously exhausted tired. As in, I've been sleeping in till at least 11 every day. The other day I slept in till 12:30. Horrible, I know. But I'm seriously just so so wiped. My appetite is fading and I find that the food aversions are coming back and that food just never sounds good anymore. I get STUFFED full feeling after I eat like quarter of a sandwich. Smells really bother me again. My sleep is just horrible. I have to literally grab my mattress to help roll me to my other side. I toss and turn all night, get up to use the bathroom multiple times, and just cannot sleep throughout the night. My hips have been throbbing at night especially. I have yet to find something that helps them besides a bath. I feel like my lungs are getting squished so it doesn't take much for me to feel out of breath. If I drop ANY food on the ground I just call for Libbie rather than attempt to pick it up. She's usually happy about that anyway. haha. I am overall very uncomfortable and just getting so anxious to meet this baby of ours. My doctor said today that if things are going good and if I am thinned out any and dilated at all that he will induce me at 39 weeks if she hasn't come before then. So, that's only 4.5 weeks away! It's hard to know what to plan for because obviously it could realistically be anywhere within 3 to almost 6 weeks till we meet her. Something I am VERY excited about is that tomorrow is the FOR SURE day we are moving ALL our crap into my parents storage unit thing so we can set up a baby room and get EVERYTHING put into place for when this baby comes. It's basically like we are moving, but not because we are staying in the same place. It's gonna probably take all weekend to do so, but, I'm just excited to get everything set up, organized, and ready for this baby! I feel like we are cutting it fairly close, but, ah, I just can't wait to get her clothes washed and ready, her crib set up, the changing table all ready, just everything. I'm excited.
As for other things this from this last week.
The diy headbands that were at my baby shower that never got made I finally got around too. It was kinda fun to make them how I wanted and they took up a decent part of my day which was nice.
I had been feeling a bit blue the last few days just because I have been home alone allllll day by myself and not feelings great. So yesterday, I got up, got ready, and forced myself out of the house, I met up with my sister in Idaho Falls and ran a few errands with her. It felt so good to get out, and get some fresh air.
No worries, I didn't actually drive with him on my lap. Just look at his squishyness! I love that boy!
My belly this last week has just been rollin and doing waves non stop. One day she was going crazy in there and I look down and my belly seriously had a bulge on the top right. It was completely lopsided. I could feel her right under my rib and kinda had to push her back down because lets be real, I don't think any mom likes to have her ribs feel like they're being separated. haha. I feel like I'm constantly asking her what in the world she is doing in there?! So amazing!
I also did 6 haircuts on my family on Saturday. Whew! Everyone was due for one. And that's pretty much been my week.
Caleb has once again been working hard and LOTS of hours. It really depends on the week of how many hours he gets so some weeks it's normal and other weeks like this week he gets plenty of overtime and also works 6 days a week and still has to go out on Sunday for about an hour. I'm definitely proud of him. I'm a bit selfish and do get pretty lonely when I'm here alone allll day long. Waking up alone and going to sleep alone, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner alone, it all get's kinda lonely. But, I'm grateful, and soon enough I'll have a wee little one to take care of during the day to keep my busy. I'm grateful he works so hard so I can stay home and will be able to stay home to be a momma. I am grateful for his positive attitude about his job and him seriously NEVER complaining about work or anything really. He keeps me laughing every day. He is definitely the best part about my life and every day. I love him oh so much!