Friday, June 10, 2016

Random happenings

Last weekend, my parents had gone camping. My sister and brother were back and forth at the campground since they had work. On Friday, my sister was headed back up there and since Caleb was working his 15 hr shift, I rode up with my sister and hung out at the campground for the day.

Since Caleb has been working so much lately, I've been trying to find things just here at home to keep me busy. I FINALLY got some curtain rods so I could hang up Kinley's valences. It made her room that much cuter. Her nursery still isn't done but it's getting there. 

Then I FINALLY ordered some curtains for our front room and sliding doors. Our couch had come in and was delivered the day my curtains came. It was like Christmas! So, I spent the next day ironing and putting up these curtains. I was nervous with the color of curtains because online it showed that the stripes were more of a charcoal gray vs a lighter gray. But, I'm actually really happy with how they turned out! It's crazy how much it changes the look and feel of the room. And, might I add, it is SO nice to be able to have a place to sit. We've lived in this home for 4 months without a couch and even the past years we've only had our futon really. It's our first couch we have ever bought since being married. It feels good that everything in this home is OURS. This house is slowly but surely turning into a home. 

Hanging out on our new couch!

Caleb has mainly just been working a lot. I feel like he just isn't home a lot. It sucks to be honest. I miss my husband! So does Kinley. If she gets to see him during the day, she is so happy! If he is home, he is doing something with the house or yard work (there is a lot that we have to do) or something that way. So there really hasn't been any time to just hang out. He's a trooper! 

I have just been chilling at home taking care of Kinley. I've actually felt quite awful the last few weeks. I have mentioned a few times over the years how my stomach has given me troubles. Those troubles have yet to ease up and the past few weeks have been quite miserable. It's made it so I haven't really been able to leave the house. I don't know if it's food allergies, hormones, something more like chrons even, or gall bladder issues or what. No clue. It's been depressing and it's hard to feel sick every day all day and not have it go away and still try to be a wife and mom. I am eating healthy, and taking care of myself otherwise so who knows. I think I may start trying out different elimination diets and see if maybe it's being caused from a food allergy or something. I think the first one I may try to eliminate is dairy since that one is more doable to begin with and just see. I guess we will see and I am praying for a miracle!

Kinley is doing great! After once again playing phone tag for the past MONTH trying to get all the blood test results back, we FINALLY have them all back. 2 out of 3 are still considered high. They said her results are borderline with us needing to meet with the Metabolic Genetisis. It may be something that our Neurologist can just monitor, it may not. We should know next week when our Neurologist is back in the office. So, we still are just playing the waiting game on what we need to do. As far as her seizures, she has done great! She is still taking two different medications a day and it is getting easier to make the one, and she is taking them both better than she previously had. We're getting it down. She is getting quite the personality and is getting sassier as time goes on. She's still such a sweet little thing and I seriously could not imagine my life without her. She makes me so happy and I look forward to every new day I get to spend with her. 
She currently has been doing this concerned scowly face and it cracks us all up.

Libbie has also been good. She drives me about nuts most days. She likes to be wherever Kinley is at and gets very concerned if Kinley cries. She gets jealous and super whimpery if Caleb holds Kinley. We are working on training her to pipe down some. Kinley LOVES Libbie and watches her all day long and laughs at her a lot too. 

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