Wednesday, July 27, 2016

8 months!

My Kinner bug is 8 months old!
*She wears both 6 mo and 9 mo clothes. 
*Size 3 diapers
*Army crawls and scoots and gets into everything which keeps this mama busy non stop all day
*Likes to play with anything but her toys
*Has had plenty of bonks since she's pretty mobile yet still pretty wobbly
*Loves our dog Libbie even though she's not a fan of her...Been frustrating to say the least
*Sleep has been all over the place. Either ok or awful. But never great.
*Naps are still only about 20 min long. Always have been that way. She'll have 2 or 3 depending on when she wakes up that morning. Cat napper for sure and I get slightly jealous of the people that have kids that nap for a couple hours straight so that they can have some alone time or get things done. Not in this household!
*Teething so so bad. Currently chews her hands till she has blisters. Nothing is working! Wish these teeth would pop through already.
*Hates getting her diaper or clothes changed
*Loves pretty much all food and is starting to eat more solid foods like toast
*Has had her 3rd little haircut. We cut off a good 2 inches off her wings. It was sad but it needed done. It looks much better where it's much more even. 
*Been a little more snuggly and clingy to both her dad and I. 
*Been pulling the cutest gummy grins
*Slight drama queen and getting sassier by the day

Crazy that 8 months has come and gone. She is so much fun! Here's a few pictures.

Loves to crawl all over me when I get down on the floor. NON stop. haha I love it.

We took Kinley to the zoo to "celebrate" that she was 8 months old. We'll celebrate anything haha. It was a lot of fun even though she could've cared less about it all. She liked the monkeys since it was right up to the window. Maybe next year haha. Made for a fun family day though. Caleb insisted we get her a stuffed animal from the gift shop. Most expensive stuffed monkey ever. And today we saw that it totally ripped. haha whatever I guess. Fun day. Happy 8 months baby girl!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Logan, my birthday, weight loss, and more.

A lot has happened the last few weeks and it has seemed pretty stinkin busy! We'll start with going to see my sister. Last week me, Kinley and my mom went to Logan to visit my sister. It was a lot of fun to see her and where she lives, her apartment, all that. We did shopping, dinner out, more shopping, and my sister kinda showed us around the area. It was fun! Shandell last minute ended up coming BACK with my mom and I and has stayed up here for the past week. It's been so much fun! I don't want her to go back. We have way too much fun together and I miss her like crazy when she isn't around.
Out for dinner

It was a fun trip, we just wished that our sister Kristie could have been able to come. Next time!

Last Tuesday was my 24th birthday! Caleb had taken it off months ago which was awesome because he hasn't taken off work so we could have a day of fun....I don't think ever. So we both were looking forward to the day, not just cause it was my birthday but because we could finally have the day to do something fun! Well, that morning, Caleb woke up with one of his bad migraines that leave him pukey and basically in bed trying to sleep it off or just not able to really move. So, since he was in bed not feeling well at all, I chose to do my normal Tuesday routine. I deep cleaned the house, scrubbed toilets, did loads of laundry, swept, mopped, dusted, all that. Took up most of my day. I finally decided to just get ready and go to wal mart to grab a few things and then maybe pick up dinner and bring it home since going out to dinner was kind of out of the picture. Right after I was ready, the power went out. Caleb by this time was feeling a little better and said he would come with and just stay in the car or something. So, we loaded up and left. We got to Idaho Falls just to find that the power was out there too. Wal Mart was even closed along with every other business. So, there goes my errands, AND dinner. So home we went. I finally made french toast for dinner at like almost 8 when the power came back on. Caleb had ordered me a birthday present and it got there that evening so when we came back from our drive, I opened it. He got me a vinyl cutter! I'm excited to use it! I have to figure out how to first though. It's gonna take some practice for sure but I'm excited because I have a ton of ideas I want to do for the house.

All in all, even though all our plans went out the window for the day, it was still a good day just spent at home. 
I did manage to at least get a picture. :)

On Wednesday, me, Kinley, my two sisters, and one of my sister's friends went to Rexburg Rapids. It was Kinley's first time swimming and she LOVED it. It was also the first real time of me being in the sun in like 2 years so I burnt, even where I put sunscreen on. It was all fun and games till a kid pooped in the pool and everything got shut down for a while. That's when we decided to leave. ha

Friday me and my two sisters got together and went shopping. They FINALLY have back to school clothes available so I was actually able to find me some clothes that I was desperate for. After shopping, we did a couple errands, grabbed lunch, hung out at home, then later went in for some ice cream and then hung out outside on our swing set. It was SUCH a good, fun, needed day with the sisters. We laughed till we cried multiple times. It makes me THAT much more sad when my sister has to go back home to Utah.

I have now lost 60 pounds. 60!! 70 if you include my pregnancy weight! I seriously cannot believe it. I remember before trying so hard to lose weight and would always fail and get frustrated or mad when I wasn't losing anything and at the time thought I was doing really good with my diet. But with the lifestyle I now live, my diet before was still HORRIBLE, even when I thought it was good. I'm proud of myself! I have about 15 ish more pounds I'd like to still lose but I am so thrilled with my results even now. For me, it wasn't even necessarily the weight lost, but the confidence I have gained. I can shop and actually find clothes that fit, cross my legs, bend over without my gut pushing down my pants off my butt, sit on the floor, sit on my knees, get down and play with my daughter, I'm not a whale next to Caleb even though I don't think I'll ever be smaller than him due to his health, and overall just move better and feel better and lighter. I feel so much happier, less depressed, and just so much more confident. Looking back at my weight gain, I knew exactly what I was doing wrong, yet I was so depressed I just didn't care and it was a constant cycle. The whole infertility, house hunting, and things constantly not going as planned was taking a huge toll on me and I got really depressed and ate and ate and ate, and ate all the wrong things and broke every rule when it came to food. So, it's been quite a journey, but it's all been for the better and I am proud of who I've become because of my past. So, here's now a bunch of selfies to show my progress! haha
Picture on the left was Christmas of 2014--3 months before I got pregnant. Overweight, depressed, low self esteem. On the right, July 2016--much more confident.

What a difference in my face and arms, neck, everything.

Same pants in both pictures.


Another before--about 4 months prego.

33 weeks pregnant and so large. Thing is, is I only gained 10 pounds during my pregnancy, so it was all belly. Everything else stayed the same and that's just how big I was.

My old pair of jeans.
I am down 4 pant sizes, about 2-3 shirt sizes, I don't know how many inches, and 60 pounds! I have put up my entire wardrobe as I slowly but surely make a new one. It's bittersweet putting away/getting rid of/ taking to the di my old wardrobe because that's a ton of money in clothes that i'm just basically getting rid of. I tried to sell a bunch and nothing sold so that didn't work out. A LOT of it is in super great condition or hardly worn, some are even brand new because I had bought them right before I found out I was pregnant. But, it's also a relief knowing I don't need them and it's refreshing and fun getting new clothes! And seriously everything. Pants, shirts, sweats, underwear, jackets/hoodies/coat, everything. It's all been so worth it! 

And for the rest of the updates, I'll just post some pictures since it's all random.
Lots of evening walks and Kinley loves them.

Getting ready is seriously a nightmare anymore. I will give her anything and everything to keep her entertained but it uaully takes me 2 to 3 times as long to get ready since this one loves going straight for EVERYTHING she shouldn't.

Playing with cousin Arlen.

Church=us typically ending up in the hall because it is hard to keep a wiggle worm still and quiet for that long. It's usually a nightmare to be honest.

Just enjoying some fruit on her sore gums.

The snuggles are becoming fewer and further in between so i soak it up when it does happen.

Dreaming happy things apparently.

Big girl in the cart. She's still just about a bit too small to sit up there and is kinda wobbly but she loves it.

Just so cute!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4th of July--6 years!

This 4th of July was funner than a bunch of previous ones. For years, Caleb has had to work on this day and since we obviously didn't have kids, I was usually just at home alone, or I'd maybe meet up with my family. This year was I believe the 1st time in 6 years that he has been able to enjoy this holiday with me and I was SO happy about that! First things first, 6 years ago me and Caleb officially got engaged at the parade! Crazy it's been 6 years.
We were just babies!

As for yesterday, Caleb oh so happily went to the parade with me and my mom and then we met up with my brother, his wife, and their two kids. I haven't been to the parade probably since we got engaged so I must say, I understand why Caleb wasn't thrilled to go. Ha it was kind of lame. But, it's something to do on the 4th and I was excited to take Kinley since it's her first 4th of July! She didn't have a clue what was going on and we actually ended up leaving a bit early since she was getting pretty fussy and way beyond tired. 

thrilled about being at the parade haha I must say, he's a good sport about it even though he didn't really care to go.

After the parade, we dropped my mom off at her house, then we came home and just hung out for the afternoon. Made lunch, took a much needed little nap, kinda cleaned up the house, then that late afternoon, we headed back out to my parents house for dinner. We just hung out there till it was time to start getting Kinley ready for bed. 
He thinks he is so funny. ha

A little side note, earlier this week, we had a little neighbor boy come by (he allwayyys comes by for something) to see if I would buy this 1 little firework for a dollar. He was too cute to say no too so I gave him a dollar for it. 

After we put Kinley to bed, we waited till it was dark and me and Caleb went outside to light off our 1 firework haha. It was a dud at first which had us laughing because we lost a buck. After lighting it over and over it finally went off. That whole 5 second firework was how we ended our 4th of July :) 
It overall was a fun day. It was nice to be able to have Caleb to celebrate the holiday with. And holidays with kids are just that much more fun. Happy 4th of July!