Wednesday, July 27, 2016

8 months!

My Kinner bug is 8 months old!
*She wears both 6 mo and 9 mo clothes. 
*Size 3 diapers
*Army crawls and scoots and gets into everything which keeps this mama busy non stop all day
*Likes to play with anything but her toys
*Has had plenty of bonks since she's pretty mobile yet still pretty wobbly
*Loves our dog Libbie even though she's not a fan of her...Been frustrating to say the least
*Sleep has been all over the place. Either ok or awful. But never great.
*Naps are still only about 20 min long. Always have been that way. She'll have 2 or 3 depending on when she wakes up that morning. Cat napper for sure and I get slightly jealous of the people that have kids that nap for a couple hours straight so that they can have some alone time or get things done. Not in this household!
*Teething so so bad. Currently chews her hands till she has blisters. Nothing is working! Wish these teeth would pop through already.
*Hates getting her diaper or clothes changed
*Loves pretty much all food and is starting to eat more solid foods like toast
*Has had her 3rd little haircut. We cut off a good 2 inches off her wings. It was sad but it needed done. It looks much better where it's much more even. 
*Been a little more snuggly and clingy to both her dad and I. 
*Been pulling the cutest gummy grins
*Slight drama queen and getting sassier by the day

Crazy that 8 months has come and gone. She is so much fun! Here's a few pictures.

Loves to crawl all over me when I get down on the floor. NON stop. haha I love it.

We took Kinley to the zoo to "celebrate" that she was 8 months old. We'll celebrate anything haha. It was a lot of fun even though she could've cared less about it all. She liked the monkeys since it was right up to the window. Maybe next year haha. Made for a fun family day though. Caleb insisted we get her a stuffed animal from the gift shop. Most expensive stuffed monkey ever. And today we saw that it totally ripped. haha whatever I guess. Fun day. Happy 8 months baby girl!

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