Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lately ...

Sorry its been a little while since i've blogged! but its pretty much because there hasnt been a ton going on. Both me and caleb are set and stone ready and got everything we needed to go to school in january. He registered for classes last week and i FINALLY got my information letter from evans telling me everything i needed and such. so we are ready and excited for that! We both have just been working away and oh how it is just getting harder and harder to do as every day goes by. Caleb has been there for about 10 years and i have been there about 5 years. So many things have changed about big juds since we have started, unfortunately things have turned to 2 thumbs down and i especially have just about had it. i try so hard to go with a good attitude and tell myself to be gratefull for my job because so many people out there are out of work completely. And dont get me wrong, i am grateful i just am so ready for school to start up so i can change up my routine.

Here's a little story, the other night at work, i had a family come in and they are a family that i recognize because they come in i swear like once a week. Every time they come in they are just so nice to me and so appreciative, and just sweet. such a cute family. Anyways, i took their order and as usual they always say their please and thank yous and are happy and smiley. Well, while they were eating, i had a man come in. This guys name was Scott. i know this cause he was an old neighbor to my family. Scott had come in to pick up his to go order. While he was there he recognized this nice family and had gone over there and started talking to them. They said hello to eachother and whatever else they said. then i see scott coming toward me like he had to tell me something. Sure enough, he came up to me and quietly asked me to put the nice families check with his. I rang him up and sent him on his way. After he left i thought to myself what a nice guy he was. Scott comes in quite often as well and without fail, every single time he comes in he picks up someone elses tab. even sometimes when he doesnt know whos food he is paying for. Well, the nice family comes up to the counter to get their ice cream and check. i got their ice cream and then he pulls out his wallet. i stopped him and said that his meal was already taken care of and that he could have a great evening. he was taken back and the family acted confused of who payed for it. They still dont know who payed for their meal. after the night ended, i thought how easy of a gusture it was of scott to do to this nice family. i could just tell that it had made the families night when i told them they got free dinner :) I encourage you guys to do something kind to someone else especially around this christmas time. You never know what kind of a day someone is having or what they are going through in their life time and a simple nice gesture may be just what someone needs.

anyways, here are someone pics of lately.

This is a magnetic board i made. Turned I would do it different next time but thats ok, im still learning with this whole craft talent.

Countdown till christmas craft i made

Libbie just being her cute self.

she recently has loved sleeping on my chest for some reason. and apparently she thinks its just ok to come crawling on me and crash. i dont mind :)

We put up our christmas tree!

This is with our house lights off so you can see how pretty it is.

I made oreo truffles which for once turned out AMAZING!!

Delicious right!?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Let's just say im a bit baby hungry

Ever since i was little i have always been one to love love love babies. I always had a doll that i'd carry around with me every where i go as a little girl. I always played house and i always took care of my babies. That feeling of loving and caring for babies and children has not ever left me. Even now watching our nephews is one of my all time favorites. I love even the little things such as every tuesday is our laundry day so when we go upstairs to do it, our nephew who is 1 years old just LOVES to come help with the laundry and i love his help because he is just so stinkin cute. i love when i get calls from my sister in law to see if i can come watch her baby which of coarse i will drop every single one of my plans including work to go tend him. I absolutely love being married and every minute of it. And i know that if a child is come to our hands, the attention would be on the child and not so much eachother. i  know things would change, i know me and caleb wouldnt be able to go on our late night runs to go to taco bell or get pumpkin empanadas, but what i do know is that i am so ready for a baby. People can say alllll they want that im young and blah blah whatever. its my life not theirs and if thats what makes me happy then why is it other peoples business? I so wish i had already gone to hair school so i could speed up this process. and i know i probably shouldnt write about stuff like this but when i talk baby stuff to people i usually get shot down with the usual "Your soo young tho!" or "wait and spend as much time with your husband" or "they are expensive" and to be honest, that drives me NUTS when people say that. do people not know that i know im young and that i do love my time with caleb and that i do know they are expensive? But what i do know is that they will be SOOOO worth it! Every couple in Caleb's family has kids and we are the last to have a baby. i want to join the club. I'm feeling left out over there. and with my family, nobody has kids so i think it would be fun to have the first and every time i talk to my mom about kids her words every time is, "ohhhh i just want to be a grandma sooo bad!!" ha she makes me laugh. i want to be a mommy so bad. i know caleb isnt quite ready but i sure as heck am. Lets hope that i miracle happens and Caleb just wakes up one morning and is ready to have kids. anyways now that i have vented about me wanting a baby and all, feel free to look at the rest of my blog! :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Caleb!

So today is my husbands 22nd birthday! i love him with all of my whole heart! i made him oreo ice cream cake and kinda just had a lazy day. My whole family came over tonight and surprised him with cake and a card. haha i seriously love my family. we also went to the chinese acrobats last night for his little birthday party which was actually waaaay awesome. They are insane!! ha kinda sucks when you get older. its definately not like the old days where you sent out invitations and had all your little friends come over and have a birthday party. But i hope he still atleast had a somewhat good birthday :) i love you babe! happy birthday!

Also, yesterday we had our yearly early thanksgiving with the Luthy's. So fun! Its nice to get together with all of your cousins and stuff your face. Then, my family being weird like they are, went and blew up pumpkins with actual bombs. ha i must say that i enjoyed it. anyways. Other than that nothin has really been going on, just working our butts off and getting ready for school to start up in January.
The oreo ice cream cake i made :)

The card i made for Caleb

These were chairs! these pics cant describe how amazing they were!

I miss my sister :(

Ever since  i got married i never actually know how much i would miss my family, but especially my sister Shandell. I remember back before i got married me and my sister doing absolutely everything together!
such as, 1. going shopping together at least once a week.
             2. me and my sisters bedrooms were right next to eachother and i miss talking through our wall as we fall asleep at night.
             3. Eating mac and cheese at wee hours of the a.m. and just talking about life.
             4. keeping secrets with eachother
             5. babysitting together
             6. going out to luch and constantly eating food
             7. Working together at Big Juds
This list could go on and on and i just cant tell you how much i miss her. My sister recently cut back her shifts from 5 times a week to once a week which i can understand but it does suck because i used to work with her all those 5 shifts cause we had the same shifts. Its hard knowing that when i go to work every day that i wont get to see my sister. Just last week i had gone to work and i wasnt super excited because Caleb had the flu and wasnt going to be there. I'm a little insecure you could say. But lets just say it was one bad night. there was some incedints that had gone on that just made me frustrated. On the way home i had a mental breakdown. i just had to cry and dont get me wrong i can talk to Caleb about everything but i just needed to talk to my sister. so i called her at almost midnight that night and talked to her till 4 in the morning. I miss her alot and love her alot too!

we love to litterally RUN through hotel halls. hahaha

Las Vegas

hahaha oh we laughed soooo hard. her pants were so short and mine were so long haha