Tuesday, July 24, 2012

the pressures on...

yes yes. the pressure is on. since i have taken this medical leave for school i have had nothing but a great break. and now that i know that the day i have to go back and finish school is in one week from today absolutely gets me depressed all over again. we got good news about calebs soon to be work today so i often find myself wonering if its even worth my time going back and finishing school or to simply drop out. if i truely had a choice, then it would to be to drop out. its hard, its long hours, long days, long weeks, and very stressful. i like cutting hair, but i dont love it. and i feel as though i am only going to please the people around me so they can be proud of me for getting some kind of an education. and as of right now, i can make more money waitressing than i will after i graduate anyways. so i just feel pressured on what to do. i know most of you will tell me to buck up and finish but i also dont think you people know how hard school really is for me. it doesnt come naturally like it does to i swear most people. i know that i will have wasted alot of money that i put into school but i just dont know. ugggh the life of an adult. seriously if i could just have it my way, id be makin babies, being a stay at home mom, running the errands, taking kids to the park, all while the husband works during the day and is home with us at night where we can all laugh and there would be no prroblems weighing on our shoulders. wouldnt that be the life!? i feel like this is how my parents had it and alot of that generation but now if you dont go to school i feel you are judged and looked down upon. so someone please help me decide on what to do. i need some advise and i dont want an answer that says "go and finish school or youll regret it" i want an answer thats going to motivate me and to truely help me get through it and make me realize its worth my while.
Finish? or Have fun?


  1. I know EXACTLY how you feel. i went to Evans, hated every minute of it. People thinks it's just the people who don't wanna go to college, but no one really understands what it's like for us..It's hard, extremely hard, and LONG hours. It just about killed me. And like you, i had to work at school too. Im a terrible test taker, and adding all that pressure, it just makes it worse. It's hard doing everything. the teachers, love them to death (most anyways haha) but sometimes they can be so mean! my very first pixie cut, i cut a hole in the cut, and April literally YELLED at me; in front of the patron and any other patrons by me, as well as the whole school. It was embarrassing. Then she flat out told me to drop outta school because it just "wasn't cut out for me"--after that, i had to go to her for everything (cuts, colors, perms, nails, EVERYTHING!) and that continued on til i was at least half way thru school! When that happened tho, i got in this mindset of "show her up, aly! you can do this!" and by the time i was out of school, i was on top! it was GREAT seeing the look on her face as she saw how far up i made it. Trust me, it's hard, i know it is. But once it's all done, it's FANTASTIC!! i have loved working in a salon! the money's fairly good (depending on where you go, but there's lots of places...especially in Idaho falls). And i love it! i really wonder what my life would be like if i didn't finish school. Where would i be now? i believe in you! you can do it, and make the most of it! Sorry this message is long, but i hope you know i'm here for you if you need ANY help at all. seriously, let me know and i will do all i can to make it a great and successful time for you in evans! ♥

  2. I agree about how it seems like our parents had the perfect situation mom stay home and does it all why dad is away working, but times have changed any MANY wifes don't dont have that luxury of staying at home while the hubby is hardly making ends meet, but even for our parents that not the case now they both have to work. If you finish hair school you could still have a job that will work around your schedule or the nice thing about hair is you can do it from home, and your still contributing to the income each month. You can do it, you don't want to waste all that money trust me I did it my first year at college.
