Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Today both me and Caleb didn't have work and my work meeting got canceled. So that means we FINALLLLY had a day off to ourselves. No work, meetings, church, family things, nothin. To start we did have to go out to Caleb's work for like an hour to do the order, then we went to the bank, grocery shopped, and went shopping. Caleb was desperate for some new work clothes. We ended up going to Rue 21 and we may or may not have gone a wee bit overboard. :/ Work clothes PLUS extra clothes. And its weird. Whenever I go in that store I maybe get a shirt or watch or somethin but today was like jackpot for the both of us. $220 later..........hahaha but seriously, neither of us have been shopping in who knows how long. Or if we do go its like something here something there over a course of years. So really I didn't feel bad for spending that much in one store. Plus it was totally fun. I love clothes shopping with Caleb. While we were in there we saw these Marvel shirts and we made the joke that it would be fun if we had matching pajama shirts. hahaha We ended up getting them. And I love us matching!
This picture doesn't do it justice, but, when we walked out of the store we were dying of laughter because that was the biggest bag we had ever seen chucked full. It was seriously the size of us! Big enough that it couldn't hold it's weight since the handle ripped. It's taking up two of our back seats! haha

I don't know why, but sleeping pictures are adorable.

After a nap and some down time, I took my bike and Caleb took his long board and went to the park to ride around. I kinda forgot we were in matching shirts till someone said "hey, I like your guys' shirts" hahaha oh yeah. That's why we were getting a million looks and smiles. haha After that we came back and took Libbie outside to play. We have never been able to take her off a leash because she runs off. Since winter we have been training her to be outside without one and tonight it was a success! I wish I caught her on camera running because she runs like a bunny in grass. We were dying. 

Ahhh :) It's been a good day!

This was Libbie the other morning...Not at all ready to be up for the day. haha

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