Monday, July 20, 2015

23 years young!

Happy birthday to me! Yesterday. haha. It was a pretty average day. It's hard to have a birthday on Sunday and then the 6 other days a week your husband works so you are kinda limited on what to do. So. It wasn't anything too special. I did get to sleep in with Caleb, have just the day me and him, and then we ended up going to my parents house for dinner that night. My mom likes to have a dinner for each of us kids' birthdays and yesterday we celebrated my birthday, my brother and BIN birthdays that were the day before. It was very simple. I told Caleb to not worry about any gifts this year since we have plenty of baby stuff to get in such a short amount of time. So, kinda stinks, but you gotta do whats practical. We have a doctors appointment next week so while we are down in IF we will go to dinner and that's going to count as my birthday dinner this year, plus that's the ONLY day Caleb has off besides Sundays, and even then, he usually has work related something to do. So, we will use our time wisely! Other than a simple lazy day that ended with me being hormonal (thanks baby girl) with crying then laughing then crying then laughing again, it was a good day. I appreciate all the sweet messages I received. And thanks to my hubby for making me feel special, even on such a simple day. I am grateful for him and for my birthday being on a Sunday so I was able to spend my birthday with him.

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