Wednesday, June 3, 2015

14 Weeks!

Today marks 14 weeks pregnant! What!?! It's starting to go by faster and faster as time goes on!
I am officially in my second trimester which is super exciting. I actually think you technically hit 2nd trimester at 13.3 weeks. But, i'm not all that sure. And yes, baby is about the size of a lemon and 3.5 inches long. I have still been feeling...blah. Which is kind of disappointing because so many people told me i'd be feeling SO much better by now. I still have some rough times including throwing up. And seriously, that to me is so frustrating and exhausting. Throwing up makes my body ache and it's super frustrating when I put forth a lot of effort to get anything in me and then moments later it just all comes back up. And after I throw up, i'm really not in the mood to eat anything so I just have that empty awful feeling in my stomach. So that is definitely hard. Although I must say, over all, I THINK, and I don't want to jinx myself by saying this, but I THINK the sickness is easing up some especially throughout the day. I'm still nauseous every day and nights are still rough, but I think the days are getting a little better. I sure hope so. It's been a long almost 2 months of sickness. But on the plus side, I was up in the middle of the night last Sunday and as I was laying there I felt something I had never felt before! It startled me and felt kind of like carbonated bubbles popping or something. I wasn't sure if I had just felt the baby or not, but then about a minute later, I felt it again. It was in the same spot and I knew it wasn't a gas bubble or something. I knew for sure that it was the baby! Eeek! It was so cool! And ever since, usually only a couple times a day, and usually when I'm laying flat on my back, I will notice little flutters. I thought I was crazy because I had only heard of a few cases where people felt it so early and most people would say they didn't feel anything till at least 16 weeks. So feeling something at 13.4 weeks was super cool! The other night I was home alone and just laying on the couch, and I could feel flutters. I would poke my belly kinda where it was and I would feel more flutters. I honestly came to tears because it makes all this sickness/ pukeyness/ awful feeling a lot more worth it. I know I've said this before but I seriously thought I would NEVER get this opportunity so I am trying to cherish and soak up every moment that I can. I definitely won't miss being sick, but the flutters and whats to come is definitely something I will want to remember forever. Anyway, other than still being sick, and feeling flutters, I have had some AWFUL sciatic nerve pain. The last 3 days especially it's been in my right hip/butt and it's been very painful at times. It wakes me from my sleep and sometimes it's pinched just right to where I look ridiculous when I walk. I'm hoping that one leaves cause man, that hurts. Along with sciatica is some back pain. The usual. Also quite painful at times. It helps if I can move around like go on a walk or something to help loosen it up. No weight gain! In fact, my parent's scale says I've lost 7 pounds. The doctors scale says I have lost a couple pounds. Being sick hasn't helped and I'm honestly not too worried about it. The doctor said hopefully I can gain a little with this trimester. So, we shall see how that goes. I am still quite tired! And it seriously does not take much for me to feel completely wiped out. I hope I get no judgement here but I usually go to sleep by at least 10 and don't wake up till around 9 or 10 the next morning. Then I eat my breakfast in bed and lay there for another hour or two. I know. Talk about lazy. But, I am just tired! And I notice I am less sick when I get PLENTY of sleep and when I take my mornings way way slow. Other than that, I can feel a heavy feeling in my belly and there is for sure a little bump showing. I decided that I probably can't wear leggings and Caleb's shirts to things I actually need to dress up a little more for so I finally had a day I felt decent, met up with my sister, and went out to buy some maternity clothes and some new bras!! I cannot tell you how happy I am for those. haha And it was a successful trip. I bought a pair of capri's for summer, a pair of jeans, and then just some t shirts that actually fit and aren't so tight and uncomfortable. I'm sure I will pick up more shirts later especially when it gets colder but for now, this will at least get me started. 
Oh, and last thing,  first, something kind of funny, for memorial day weekend, my family had a weenie roast. Prior to that, the only thing that sounded good was hot dogs or potato soup in a bread bowl. Well, since that weenie roast I have had a hot dog every day since. Awful and kinda sick really, but, it has been probably one of the best things I've tasted since pregnant. And second, Caleb knew I had wanted potato soup in a bread bowl, and last time I made it, it turned out AWFUL so I didn't eat it. Last week he came home from work with potato soup that they get through his work. A WHOLE bag FULL. All I had to do was put it in the crockpot and add water. I bought rolls that would work for bread bowls, made the soup, and oh my goodness. I have had that every day since I made it too. Thanks for saving me dear! You da bomb!
And yes, more fruit. That hasn't left. Can't get enough fruit!

As for other news, my mom invited me to go see Cinderella with her yesterday. It was a lot of fun! Just the two of us. And we enjoyed the movie, so that's always a plus. ;) I was out at my parents and all my family was out. 
I stinkin love my nephews. So cute. We were blowing bubbles and playing with sidewalk chalk. I love being with my family. I love the yard and being with people that make me happy. It helps being in the country too. Can't get enough of it! 

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