Wednesday, September 9, 2015

28 weeks prego/ glucose test round 2

Today I am 28 weeks pregnant. Officially 12 weeks till my due date. Could be sooner, or even longer till we meet this baby. I'm feeling like it's kind of becoming the home stretch as things are getting closer and I become bigger.
This belly of mine is seriously starting to get in the way of every day things. It's hard to find a shirt that's not too short in the front, it gets bumped when I open the fridge, getting out of bed I may grunt or huff and puff to roll myself out, ya know, those kinds of things. I feel I could go on and on about the aches and pains I'm continuously having, sciatica that will not leave, the nausea and heartburn that seem to stay, and the uncomfortable things of pregnancy. But, I'll spare you the details on all of that. I did notice this last week especially that I believe I am starting to have braxton kicks contractions. They're kind of uncomfortable and if I get one while walking, they usually really slow me down for the minute its there. For a while I thought it was just baby moving in a weird position that made me feel what I was feeling, but then it occurred to me that I'm most certain that it's the braxton hicks contractions I'm feeling instead. That means we're getting closer which is exciting, yet, a bit overwhelming.

This last week I have once again been feeling just overwhelmed. It's stressful bringing a baby into the world. It's a lot of emotions. Everything from being so nervous and stressed to completely excited. I think the things that are most overwhelming to me at this point is, 1. The fact that this babies due date is creeping up and there is still so much to get I feel like. We still don't know where we'll end up living so we have nothing set up or organized. Everything we do have is sitting smack dab in the middle of my living room for now still in boxes, chillin on my couch, or stuff in my dad's shop because I just do not have anywhere else for it to sit at the moment. I'm such a planner and organizer so all the stuff being all over is making me feel stressed. Number 2. The fact that we don't know where we will be living. Yes, that's been killing us both. If we stay, there's so much re arranging and storage units to find and organization that needs to be done that I don't know how we'll make it work. Yet if we move, that would solve everything I feel like, but I have a feeling that if we do, it'll be weeks before this baby comes which is just overwhelming. All this depends on Caleb's job and right now there just isn't a clear answer as to where we'll end up. and 3. The fact that this baby will make it so it will never just be me and Caleb alone ever again. obviously I know that we can still have alone time, but I mean, that there will NEVER be a time that it's just us two. And as exciting as that is, it's also just making me feel a bit clingy to Caleb. It's only been us the last 5+ years and to all of a sudden bring in someone that's here to stay forever is kind of just crazy to think about. Like I said, it's stressful, yet all so exciting.

I said in a previous post how I failed my 1 hour glucose test and after a huge hassle I was going to retake the 1 hour test rather than do the 3 hr test. That day was last Tuesday. Long story short, because my 1st test levels were not too far from passing, I was hopeful that for this round, if I fasted from midnight on till I took the test that I would pass my glucose test. That's what the nurse told me too. She said that by fasting for 8 hours prior would probably help my test levels. So, I was hopeful! Tuesday, I woke up super early. I didn't do my makeup or anything because I just wanted to get down to IF and get this test over with. Caleb came with me once again thank goodness. Just him coming for support is great. He slept pretty much the whole time because the waiting was done in our car. Haha
This time the test was a little harder just because I was starving. I normally will wake up in the night to eat sometimes and for sure eat when I first get up. So skipping both and having that sugar on my stomach was a little harder. It still wasn't horrible, and I survived. After the test was done, we went and got McDonald's breakfast and then just headed home. I waited all day to find out my results. I wasn't sure when I would get them. Later that day and just before my doctors office closes, I ended up calling them to see if they had my results. The nurse looked me up and told me I had once again failed the test, this time way worse than the first test. :( Ugh. I was so frustrated. I had talked to a friend of mine that has gestational diabetes the day previous about it all and she reassured me that no matter what happens all will be ok. I feel like I handled the situation better than the first round, but, I'll admit that I still cried a lot that night. With my history, my numbers of both glucose tests, and my luck, I am just about positive I'd fail the 3 hour test. Long story short, I refused to do the 3 hour test till I talk to my doctor at my next appointment which is here in a week. I will do what I have to do but for some reason that 3 hour test just simply terrifies me. I'll see what my doctor says about it all and just go from there. It's hard to not feel embarrassed about the whole thing. I know the healthiest of healthy people can get gestational diabetes, but it's still just a lot to take in. Like I said, I don't know for sure if I have it or not, but the way the nurse talked to me about my scores from both tests made it seem there really wasn't much hope of getting away with it all. So, that's that for the diabetes update. I'll know more when I see my doctor next week. 

As for some fun news, Caleb came home from work with the cutest thing I ever did see!
He brought home a baby shirt! The restaurant has never had baby shirts before so when he brought it home I died! It's 6 months so she won't wear it for a little while but I still can't wait for the times we go visit daddy at work while she wears her cute little matching shirt her dad got for her. Proud dad right here. :) He's adorable!

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