Thursday, September 17, 2015

29 weeks/ 3 hr glucose test

Yesterday marked me as 29 weeks pregnant. Woop woop!
Not the best pic. but you get the idea.
I had my doctors appointment yesterday and I wasn't really looking forward to it. Caleb took the day off (the first day he's had off in a little over a month) so he could come to my appointment with me which I was so excited for, but I didn't want to waste his day off at the doctors all day. We both woke up feeling awful. So we were ready to get this appointment done and over with. I was nervous because I didn't want to hear my doctor say that I needed to take the 3 hour glucose test. That's pretty much the only reason I wanted to avoid the appointment. I get there and everything looks great. I've gained 3 pounds which I am happy with. I'm REALLY hoping to not gain a lot this pregnancy. I'm measuring about 2 weeks ahead and have been pretty much at every appointment. So, next appointment they are doing another ultrasound for a growth scan just to make sure she's not going to be coming earlier than we think. The doctor did say I did need to do the 3 hour glucose test. :( noooooo. I deep down knew, but I was REALLLLY hoping to get out of it. I now am seeing the doctor every two weeks too. So a lot, and that means the end is getting near! 

I came home and told Caleb that I was going to do the glucose test the next day so I could stop worrying about this stupid test. I was sick of worrying about it and just wanted it to be done. Before, I REALLY wanted Caleb to be able to be with me ESPECIALLY at this appointment, but because he worked that morning and it was a double shift, he wouldn't be able to come, and to be honest, I was worried going alone, but I just really wanted it done. So I fasted from about 9:30 last night till the test was done today. I hardly slept a wink last night. All my dreams were of me taking the test, so when I was woken up to actually go take it, I was bummed because I just did the test in my dream. I woke up at 7 this morning so I could be at the hospital by 7:30 to get this test a rollin. I got there, checked in, waited, and waited some more, and FINALLY the lab guy came to take my first blood draw. After that, I had to wait to get my numbers checked with that blood draw before they let me drink the drink just to make sure I wouldn't crash after drinking it. This whole time I'm just chillin in the hospital lobby, by myself, just hangin out. Finally a half an hour later he comes back with the drink. I didn't get to chose a flavor this time, and it was warm. Having it not refrigerated makes it that much harder to get down. The guy sat next to me to make sure I had it drank in the few minutes they give you. I thought the 1 hr glucose drink was sugary, but this one where it has double the sugar is wayyy more sugary. To the point it almost kind of gives you a burny feeling in your throat. Not tasty by any means. I get the drink down which means the test has started. Only 1 stinkin hour after I got there. Kind of annoying. I ended up bringing my laptop and some movies to kill time since I wasn't allowed to leave. So, there in the lobby, I set up my own little corner, had a tiny hard couch to myself, plugged my laptop in and started watching my movie. 

The first hour was kind of a doozy. I definitely felt yucky. I was nauseous, a bit dizzy, and just felt gross. I tried to just lay still and get through it. I was told if I puke this up that I would have to start over a different day and I was NOT about to let that happen. So in I held it. After the first hour, the guy came back to get my 2nd blood draw. Then back out to the lobby to continue my movie. About midway through the 2nd hour, I started feeling a little better. Still kind of yucky, but not quite so nauseous or dizzy. An hour later, the guy came back to take me to the lab again for my 3rd blood draw. Then back out the lobby I went. I finished my show with a half hour of time to kill. I put all my stuff away and just hung out. I read a magazine, browsed my phone, and stared at the wall basically. Finally the hour is up and I go get my 4th blood draw. By this time I'm feeling decent. Mainly like I was ready for some real food. I hadn't eaten in like 15 hours. That's a long time for a prego! I had been there for a little over 4 hours. I drove home, made me some food, then crashed. I had a headache for the rest of the day too. I know it sounds silly but I'm like seriously proud of myself for getting through the test, especially alone! It was one of my biggest fears this whole pregnancy. I hate needles, I don't like being sick, I was worried I was going to pass out or vomit all over or something. The fact I got through 4 blood draws, and kept the drink down was impressive to me. I was SO relieved it's over. I have so far had 10 blood draws this pregnancy and 1 shot. I always think of people that have to have needles on the daily or people that have health problems to where they have to have needles all the time. My heart goes out to them because it is not fun! It makes my 10 blood draws and 1 shot look like a weeks worth to some. Anyway, I ended up calling my doctor before their office closed to see whether I passed this 3 hour test. This was the for sure moment I would know If I either had gestational diabetes or not. I was nervous! The nurse looked me up and said that my numbers looked great and that I had indeed passed the test. WAHOOO!!! That means I will probably buy myself a bag of candy corn while I'm out grocery shopping tomorrow and not even feel bad. I'm honestly relieved. I still think about my family and friends that does or did have gestational diabetes and I almost feel guilty for passing this test. I tried to watch what I ate since the last couple of my glucose tests and it is HARD to count carbs like that and not over do it on pretty much everything. It's frustrating and just simply kind of hard, and I didn't even do it to the full extent. I still want to be careful with how many carbs I'm putting into my body but to know I don't have to prick myself multiple times a day and count every carb I eat is a relief. I feel like the biggest weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel I can now try to enjoy what weeks of pregnancy I have left (although it's getting harder and harder every week). I think my next fear is giving birth. The IV and not being able to eat are scaring me more than actually delivering. Silly, I know. But, it's the truth. 

As far as how I am feeling, well, I'll be honest, this last week especially I have been just so nauseous. It doesn't seem to leave, or if it does, it's usually during early afternoon for a while. But then at night it kicks right back up. I think it's pretty normal to start to feel sick again 3rd trimester. Along with the nausea I am just down right TIRED. I will sleep all night (most nights) and sleep wayyy late in the morning. I just don't have energy to do anything. Getting ready for the day seriously about does me in and even during that I feel I have to sit because my legs feel they are going to give out. It's weird. I don't ever want to go out and do anything because I just would rather sit. Makes me sound so lazy, which is true, but, it's the truth. Other than those, I have been having way more backaches, some hip pain, and quite a few braxton hicks contractions. I overall feel pretty uncomfortable, my stomach is tight, I feel sick a lot, i'm tired, achy, and just kind of over being pregnant. I'm ready to have this baby and I still have like 2 good months. I'm trying to enjoy the good moments but it's hard. 

I did do my registry on Amazon which was pretty fun to make. It took me a while! I'm nervous because it made me realize that we seriously do not have much and don't even have the essentials for when this baby comes. But, having that done means baby shower next. So that will be coming up and I'm looking forward to that. 

I also received my crib bedding in the mail the other day.
I'm excited about it! I got a steller deal on it. It's a 13 piece crib/ room set that I got for the price that just the crib bumpers and skirt would be. I'm excited to set it up when we actually have a spot/place to set up the crib and nursery. 

All in all, things are going good. I really can't complain. I'm getting more anxious, yet more excited to meet my little sweet pea in just a couple months or so! 

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